Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Pirates We Be!
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[Image: blackroseemblem.png]

This is more of a news thread than an introductory one. If you want to find out more about this guild, you can solicit Skipper in rp.

Anyways, news!

Our first event was a pretty good success, and it's been about a week since the main rp. Why? Well, a couple reasons. First, I have a class ending on Sunday, but I was also participating in the Kidnapped rp which will end tomorrow. Because of that rp for the pirates should be starting back up again, and I definitely want to run some events here and there.

Events will most likely be at sea, while some like artifact hunting will be on land. Most events will be PvE, meaning we're going to fight NPCs like other pirates and things we can find in the jungle. PvP events will be if we attack traveling ships, which will be few, because we don't want to raise too much suspicion with the Steamwheedle cartel.

So the news? Well, things should be starting back up soon, not sure which day, and then I'll be running little events. In the meantime, have fun, and thanks for sticking around!
Is hiring opened?
People can come to get hired but I don't actively seek out a lot of people. So I'd say yes, once I get back into the rp again.
Wanted to add some extra notes:

IC Rules:
Don't mention we're pirates in capital cities, or in cartel lands. Make sure to refer to yourself as a sailor or such. If you recruit others you can probably tell them in IC whispers, but guards should not hear that we are pirates.

Slaves are not a primary source of income so don't concern yourself with hunting for slaves all the time. You can take the opportunity when it comes and goes, but overall we're not a slaving organization.

People captured at sea will either be imprisoned and be sold as a slave back on land, killed immediately, or (with a very good reason) hired to work on our ship. No one goes free.

Prisoners on board are not allowed to wander outside of the brig without restraints. They are permitted to be hauled on deck for fresh air and sunshine.

Prisoners deserve no particular respect, but pirates on board can not “have their way with them.” We will also not be hiring out any slaves for prostitution. Anyone found violating this rule will be keelhauled.

Prisoners are to be sold immediately once on land. They aren't to be toted around like a personal pet.

Do not betray the captain.

Refrain from attacking merchant vessels, since we don't want to capture the attention of any cartel group.

Anyone threatening the crew(for example, steering us into rocks, or attempting to set the ship on fire) will be killed, so take that as a character warning.

OOC Notes:

IC recruitment isn't necessary if I can't get around the rping out the recruitment. If we're on sea and you want to join for an event we'll figure an IC way for you to join, like say that you were always there and such.

In pirate events you can feel free to join as an alternate role. For example, when we go to plunder another pirate's ship, you can choose to come into the event after as a survivor in the wreckage of the ship. Keep in mind this could subject you to prisoner or slave rp, or you might get recruited.
Deciding to compile a list of our members, because this group includes people in and out of the guild.







Pirates/unsorted people:

There's others, I think.

Note: This is just so we know each other. I am not expecting outsiders to know all our crew, so please do not meta-game. Also if you want to be removed from this list you can just PM me :)
Note: added our flag's design to the first post.