Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Kirabo's feedback thread
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Been here, done that, killed some people.

Hello! This is, as you've probably figured out, a feedback thread, where I, the fellow CotHian you all so love/hate tries to siphon constructive criticism from you. Be harsh, but be helpful.

That's all. Current character - Taelynn.

...Now i must do this..

Anyway, i've only really RP'd a notable amount with kirabo, and I just think he is quite awesome. That is all :)
Teehee. :D
Kirabo- What can I say? The gnome rp with Nirle gets really funny and weird very quick, but that's a good thing.
Gilma- Haven't seen her much post restart but pre restart I enjoyed the Arcanum rp.

not listed- My apprentice needs to be around more imo :)
Get away from me, noobfaise! And grab a cookie! /tosses a cookie
Kirabo is a nub compared to Coriv.
Nah, I've RPed with Kirabo a couple of times and it's something I find quite enjoyable. We have spoken on skype about all this, but I like Kirabo's personality. I love how he's very spontaneous, and you can't predict him -at all-.
Man, it's been a long time since I RPed with you. Gortael and Saraya no? Man, the Hertic Circus seems.. a vague far off memory by now, but the times we actually RPed had been fun. I don't think we actually had any fights as far as I recall, unless you were the warlock that tortured Saraya for severe disrespect.. Can't remember if that was you!

Either way! Fun person IC, fun person OOC.

Here's a stamp for you, a cool cat stamp. *Nod*
[Image: cool_cat_stamp_postage-p172544241461370109anrd3_152.jpg]
Ha! I found it!

Hey, thanks for the assassination RP! I appreciated your understanding to my requests and for working with me on it. Also! Yeah! Taelynn was awesome in her disguise and the way she handled the attacks/defenses.

As you asked for my most "constructivist criticist criticism", all I can say is make sure you're clear. I got a little confused at some parts due to grammar/vague wordings, but I appreciated that you quickly answered my questions.

:) I look forward to roleplaying with you again, thanks!

Edit -- :O Where my cookies at?!
/tosses one

There you go!


Somewhat of a necro, eh? No? Okay.

Feed my back.