Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: To all who mailed Eagle Eye.
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I have recieved your note of interest. I am writing you to let you know that tonight is when our vengeful hands unite for the first time in the name of all that is good. Enclosed in the package sent to you in the meeting uniform. You must wear the complete set to the meeting or DO NOT COME. If you are not in your complete uniform you will be rejected from the Blade. Your anonymous state is a key factor to the Blade and must maintain so long as you are with us.

I hope to see you tonight. At the bottom of this message is a map showing the location and time of our meet. Bring anyone NOT invited or in garb, and serious action will be taken.

We are the revolution. The People's Blade.

- Eagle Eye.

((OOC INFO!!! Stay posted on the shoutbox for when the meeting starts tonight anywhere from 4-6 PM server time. The uniform is on the event planning thread for the first event of the People's Blade. Please have this ready for the meeting. This message was sent to all who showed interest in the forum and in game through IC mail. If you have any further questions, PM me. Thanks!))
(( -Furious Gladiator's Felweave Cowl 41993
-Deadly Gladiator's Felweave Rainment 41997
-Deadly Gladiator's Felweave Handguards 42016
-Squire's Boots 43

For the lazy peeps))