Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Diabolist Tutor
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See...It's a word play. Like diabolical tutor. Except not.

Anyway! This is an old post I've refurbished because, well...I enjoy recycling. And the name is catchy as all Fel, which is ideal in my line of work.

Anyway, putting it bluntly: The demon-tutored Marianna Bisen is looking to tutor a budding mind in the ways of Fel-Sworn magic!

Now, to keep it sweet! I'm looking for:
  • Someone active in my time-zones.
  • A character of the warlock/priest/mage persuasion
  • Someone I haven't role-played with in a while/ever
  • Alliance side. Marianna doesn't -mind- non-human races, but she gets a tad racist when it comes to Horde races, especially Orcs and Forsaken
  • Active and interested in the concept of teacher/student play

The role-play will mostly delve into the relationship between the two and Marianna's unsettling obsession with Corruption and Entropy. It's also a great way to get into the Fel-Sworn variant...Though becoming a pupil will do nothing for your chances of getting a Fel-Sworn character approved.

Anyway, post below or send me a PM/Whisper in game!

I am not afraid to admit I am quite frightened now.
Hmm... I don't know if I have a suitable character for this.
I could make one, if you'd like.
My character Seu fits that description. He doesn't exactly crave for power but realizes that power is a necessity for him to achieve his goal.

I'll be making a post about his involvement in Booty Bay politics, on the Light Of Nova sub-forum. You may read that to know what kind of a character he is.
Indeed... Marianna could have a little squad of lackeys following her.

Tempted to use Gale in this, since he does nothing. I would assume you would have to convince him that what you're doing would lead to damages aganist the Alliance would be enough to get him on your boat.

Forsaken Death Knight... Mmm.
McKnighter Wrote:Indeed... Marianna could have a little squad of lackeys following her.

You say lackeys, I say associates.

I'll be on all today in-game if anyone wants to send me a whisper and chat.
Marianna, I sent you a PM and I am waiting in-game.
I am tempted to apply, but I am not sure about time zones. D: I'm in GMT+1, so I find it hard to be online during Server prime time. :<
You could totally team up with Tavren's group.

We'd love having a demon friend.

(On a more serious note though, I'm sure my Warlock Daria would be able to work with you without enslaving you to her, [or trying to, I doubt she would be successful]. Get back to me on that if you want. I think it would be fun.)
Bum Bum Bump.

Still looking.
Preferably a non-Sindorei.
Marianna, your favorite vile villain, has positions open.

And she needs special people for very specific jobs!

I've updated the original thread with the positions.
You already got the insane surgeon. Richtnel.
Danalthar Wrote:You already got the insane surgeon. Richtnel.

See. Part of me wants to bring back my lobotomist character. But it's no fun just surrounding yourself with characters you control.
Delric. The raging undead Deathknight is available. He can fill many positions.
Main of all...
Evil Librarian.
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