Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Alas, a great Knight has fallen..
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With the overwhelming stress (Read: Not a single **** was given) that has come due to exams, alongside work and all that, as well as a diminished interest in RP, consider this my "I'll be leaving now, okeh bbys? ttyl".

Plus, since I've replaced the empty part of me with raiding and doing dungeons on Retail (Search me up on Jubei'thos for those in the oceanic realms - Character name: Piesamus), I've updated to the latest version.. This means that I'll only be back for RP if/when CotH updates to Catafail. As far as I can tell, I'll be gone for a lot longer than first seen: About a month or two. Anyway, here's my end-of-Terminator-2-thumbs-up, for those of you who get the reference.

Anyway, time for my English exam. See ya, folks! And Kretol, keep these youngin's in line. :P

EDIT: Those who wish can contact me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]][email protected]</a><!-- e -->.