Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Yikes`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
Remember the era of Pac-man, Centipede, Tetris…remember the game Asteroids and the pew-pew-pew as you demolished the floating targets? Well, I was a burgeoning adolescent then. So, I guess that makes me middle-aged. *unsure whether to scowl here*
I have always had a love for creative writing, but loved the sciences/biology as well. Both won out in the end, as I am a physician who ultimately discovered RP and forums as a great outlet for my creative side.
In my ‘free time' I run a boutique B&B business in Ireland, travelling overseas often.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
Born and raised in the Mid-West, USA. I speak English and a smattering of Spanish, Swahili and Gaelic…though not all at the same time. *wink*

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I was serving as a locum tenens physician (travelling doctor) in a VERY small town about 4 years ago. I was a bit bored and wandered into the local ‘gaming' shop. I said to the relatively young guy at the counter, “I need a recommendation. I am here on business and would like to find something that will help pass the time. Can you recommend a game?”
He grinned from ear to ear and said, “I have just the thing…and don't worry…it will definitely help you pass the time.”

The rest is history. I have been a fan ever since, trying a bit of everything from PVE to PVP, to RP.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
I have played on many of the retail servers. I have had experience with many guilds, most focused (in theory) on RP.

Like most players, the learning curve was steep at first when it came to RP, this coupled with the fact my typing was rather substandard at the beginning. OK, it sucked. It has improved right a along with my RP, and although my mind still moves faster than my fingers, things are much more fluid than they used to be.

I have been on a quest for a ‘real' RP venue, and have found the quality questionable on most retail servers. Either the characters are poorly fleshed-out or there is one IC post for every 50 OOC posts. As is my nature, I research everything and am a voracious reader. I discovered your site…and here I am.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
I love it all to be honest, my passion driven by the storyline itself. I prefer RPing in a smaller group because I think it lends itself to delving deeper into the specifics of the conversation.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
This is TOUGH, because I've played them all.

I would say I gravitate toward Elves (Blood or Night) and Tauren. I am drawn to the epic lore that seems to surround the elves, and find them mysterious. I love the ‘native-American” tribal feel of the Tauren. I tend to gravitate toward races that have a deep connection to the natural world.
Personally, I find Gnomes and Forsaken difficult to play WELL. But I love a challenge, and am in awe of players who shine playing these races.

Class preference would be a healer - Priest, Shaman. Perhaps it's the doctor thing coming through?

What are your expectations of this server?:
Great RP in an atmosphere where players WANT to be there, knowing the expectation is to RP.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
RP is expected would be first. Respecting you fellow player a close second.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
((I recently completed this story, which related to a character who, through magic, was transformed from a Gnome to a Sin'dorei. The transformation was required ICly as the guild changed from Alliance to Horde, and the members that wanted to stay active needed to follow suit with their characters. I have since left the guild for personal reasons, but this is an excerpt from that story.))

The Orc Hunter scanned the distant horizon for movement. There was none.

Despite the encroaching evening, the waxing moon was already rising toward its zenith, providing ample light for his present task, unpleasant though it was.

He reflexively reached down to pat his companion, an aged, though imposing, saber-tooth, flanking his right. She, in turn, thrust her massive head deeper into his palm, savoring the contact. She did not purr, for she understood that even subtle sounds were unwelcome in the heat of a hunt.


Anyel Silhouette Duskblade moved through the dense woods of Feralas with ease, her lithe form and long strides akin to a gazelle, and her speed a near match. She was still in awe of these abilities...abilities that she wasn't born with, but had assumed when she swallowed the Bobble of Beguilement and underwent The Transformation. "How my life has changed," She thought. "Nothing is as it was...not altogether a bad thing...".

Of all the aptitudes she had 'interited' from her Sin'dorei body, it was the agility and speed that amazed her most. Abilities she never tired of utilizing and pushing to their threshold. It was almost like a drug to her...much more powerful than the meager fel addiction that plagued the collective Sin'dorei. The addiction to fel-energy was, to her, a mere annoyance...something easily eschewed, much like a gnat. Whether she had inherited a certain immunity to it from her Gnomish gene pool, she was uncertain...but in the end it didn't matter.

Hours had passed since she had completed her assignment, departed the fringes of Auberdine, and chartered a boat back to the mainland. Even now, she imagined that the corpse left in her wake had been consumed by the crawlers that infested Darkshore. "Poor bastard didn't even see it coming," she mouthed silently to herself. "I should have thanked him for the easy buck...I will almost feel guilty for collecting the cash reward...ALMOST...".

The shadows of impending dusk descended early on Feralas, the dense forest canopy swallowing most of the meager light. Anyel had avoided the well-trodden roads and paths that weaved its length, a choice guided as much by preference as necessity. "I should stop soon," she pondered. "It would be dumb to lose my way...although I might be able to make Camp Mojache before nightfall if I persevere a bit longer."

A surge of adrenaline coursed through her limbs, and with a cocky grin she lurched forward with renewed determination, hap-hazzardly blazing a trail through the decaying undergrowth. Another wave of adrenaline brought her close to the euphoria that sometimes graces the most elite athletes as they push their bodies beyond the limits thought possible. One thought echoed her thrumming heart. "I am invincible..."



The lithe cat tensed imperceptibly as the dessicated twig sounded in the distance. Even before the sound reached its climax, The Hunter had palmed his bow, and knocked an arrow, his sight-line now punctuated by the arrows shaft as it tapered to a deadly point.

His whole body moved in a fluid arc, as he panned the woods that fronted him. With a flick of his finger, the saber-tooth lurched forward on command and disappeared into the foliage, nostrils flaring and ears pinned back as she commenced her prowl.

The Hunter closed his eyes and concentrated, a reflexive and well-honed effort to strengthen the link with his sometimes overzealous hunting companion. Even now, the cat traversed her terrain in utter silence, a muscular tail steering her sinewy body like a ships rudder, and her mouth foaming with bloodlust. Her ears perked as the mind-link intensified and her instructions were received: Flank the elf and drive her to not kill her...for my arrow alone will seal her fate...

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Just a comment that the site is very comprehensive and I look forward to being part of the community!
Welcome welcome!

If you haven't already, please read our rules, policies, FAQs, and take a gander at our Wiki. I look forward to seeing you on the server and be sure to /join chat upon entering, thank you! If you have any questions feel free to ask here or PM me. I'd be more than glad to help.
(Just a word here. Race changes aren't possible on this server, just so you know. However, both Horde and Alliance characters can be in the same guild. Regardless, I enjoyed the story.)