Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Request concerning doors
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I would like to have the doors arbitrarily be open or closed, not closing automatically. If making films or pictures, this would be helpful, also more realistic, and would fit more to the roleplayed situation. E.g. uplifted gates would make more sense to the Stormwind Harbor, at least during day, as for only a few persons with official duty would it be opened when they were otherwise closed.
Also, the door of the blacksmith, at least the one which looks towards Goldshire Inn, would be more sensible to be open, for getting potential buyers, also because even in presence of the chimney, open air is needed for the fire.
I would also love to see, the dead end part of the harbour at the up gates, which is currently empty, only flower beds are on the edges, with chairs and desks (in my mind, perpendicular to the flower beds) .

Thank you for reading this.
It requires a lot of work on behalf of the GMS.