Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: 'Thanks' MOD
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Weird, Mine were about the same size as those, so I'm not sure what to change if anything to them. I tried changing pixel dimensions but they ceased to be stars.

edit: o.o maybe I should split them up first lol
[Image: xparentstars-1.png]

[Image: xparentstars-2.png]
Oh, nice! This could be pretty helpful.

P.S. Anski, I loved your Avatar and sig so much I almost cried.
Oh, Kret, did you mean there's too much transparency, perhaps?
Let's give 'em a try!
Looks like they worked, :3
Where are they?
Check Kretol's post in the beginning of this thread and look at the rate bar.
Oh I see. Thank you.
I like the idea, but it looks like it made some weird stuff happen to the forums code, and is starting to look like an eye-sore. Hate to be a downer, but... D: Those stars things look annoying.
I'm not a fan of the bright white bar on the thanks thing.
When I get home from work, I'll fiddle with the other stars from Anski again. Perhaps those will match better.
Yes, perhaps :D

I hope this works, I like the thank system. If they don't work I can try recoloring mine to something less bright.
I suggest more CoTH themed stars!
[Image: cothstar.png]
[Image: cothstarempty.png]

[Image: Nautstarfull.png]
[Image: Nautstarempty.png]

Shazam. Tried to fix the resolution scaling AA as much as possible, they look like stars again!
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