Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Brilliance! (Northrend related :B)
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Alright so, I've been tossing ideas around in my head for some time now, and I realized that...there are no Northrend guilds! Quite sad, as that means that an entire continent is almost (minus Dalaran) completely unused for guilded RP. At least, that's based there.

I've got a few ideas for Northrend-based guilds that I've been tossing around in my head, but due to a lack of free time, I cannot be the leader of these guilds...if anyone would like to take up the leadership role for one of the ideas, PM me or post below, and I'll PM you with the options :P. I'm rather scarce on time at the moment, which is why I'll refrain from posting the ideas below...
PM me!
Alright, I'm leaving my house ATM, so when I get going on the road, I'll get on on my cell and send you a message! Haha.
Pfft. Fine!
Alright Danalthar, PM sent. Haha.
Mkay quick update. Idea one has been taken off the list for revisement. Thanks for the help Danalthar :). Idea two is as of now, unclaimed. I'll go ahead and post it. Haha. It's a revised version of a previously posted idea. Here goes nothin'!

Kay, name can be anything, but I call it the Brotherhood of the Blade. It consists of outlaws and exiles. Criminals, we are not, but they are welcome to join if they can prove their loyalty. The Brotherhood is a group of people dedicated to the protection of those who have fled from the judicial arm of the Alliance, for reasons their own. We move often to avoid detection, and, generally, fight to survive in some of the most inhospitable lands on Azeroth. Ideas/questions? I'll be on ingame later maybe, so just ask around in chat. Haha.