Conquest of the Horde

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Well I find that Rigley's Echoes thread is fantastic, so I asked him if I could copy him and make a thread for my characters and their posts. He said it was fine, and I said 'yay!' so here it is.

edit: Just gonna be Eliza now, I'd rather split 'em up.


It was dark, as it always seemed to be in the unholy forests of Duskwood, and Astus limped carefully along the road, breathing heavily in the tattered rags that he called his clothes. He wore goggles, and long, unkempt hair of crimson color flowed down around his shoulders and back. He occasionally let out a muffled cry of pain, but all the while a wicked grin was plastered on his face.

Was it wrong? It had been so long since he had thought that. He knew long ago that the path he walked down would bring him closer to evil--and power--but he had seemed to have forgotten that. At least, he did when he turned to the dark magic that had gotten him exiled from his homelands, and again when he turned to the unholy power that nearly crushed almost all of Azeroth. It had seemed too good a power to pass up, then. But now he wondered if doing what he was about to was a bad idea. Is there a such thing as wrong, even? Don't we all do things to survive? I...without my magic I am nothing. It has saved me countless times, and I should do anything for it. But yet... His thoughts were cut off as he saw three figures walking across the road. From this distance they seemed to be well armed, however most people who weren't complete idiots walked through Duskwood with protection. Astus let out a few more grunts of anguish, his weight leaning forwards almost voluntarily until he collapsed to his side, writhing in pain. The grin from his face was gone.

The three figures broke into a run, unable to tell in the gloom that Astus was a Sin'dorei. His hair covered his ears and the goggles hid the fel-green glow of his eyes. "Sir, are you alright?" Astus grunted in response, curling into a tiny ball on the ground. "By the Light, he must have been attacked! Jared, get some water or somethin'! Plate-clad footsteps echoed off into the distance.

They had been following him through the woods on either side of the road. Astus knew they were there, in fact, Astus told them to be there. They would get there soon.

"I..." Rolling over in pain, Astus began to make a strange noise. At first it sounded like coughing, due to the ground muffling his voice, but soon it would grow into cacophonous laughter. The two men left stepped back, raising their blades. Astus laughed a bit harder, the idiots should have just stabbed him right there, but in their fear they backed away? Foolish...

The men continued to back away, trembling in their cowardice. "You humans are...too trusting." The laughter ceases, leaving the only sound to break the silence a dull, 'sschhhhhhht' 'sschhhhhhht' 'sschhhhhhht', almost as if something scraped against the ground, an eerie metal-against-stone sound. The two men were visibly shaking now, too paralyzed in their fear to flee. And yet, they were only scared because of Astus's mad laughter, or maybe it was the unholy smell of death clinging to him?

They weren't warriors, paladins, or murderers. They were probably just a group of traders heading to Stormwind from Booty Bay or Gurubashi. Maybe they were there on a business trip, dealing quickly with the goblins before heading home to show their families what meager amount of money they'd made.

"Let me be you two have families, back home?" Both of the men nodded simultaneously, causing a deep frown to crease in Astus's face. If they didn't have families, he would've let them go...

The only thing...families ever hatred, murder, and disappointment. I mean, look at the Novalight Shin'ari. What little I know about them proves me right.

Astus shook his head, not taking his eyes off of the two men.
Of course it wasn't wrong.

With another chuckle, Astus raised his hands, muttering a low incantation, the moisture in the air clinging to the skin of the men, freezing when it touched them. Soon they shook not from fear, but from cold, the bits of frost around their armor weighing them down, keeping them from moving in their heavy plate.
"I'm doing you a favor, you know. Not everyone deserves the gift I'm going to give you."
Astus, muttering another word, would call forth a spear of bone with unholy energy. It hung in the air, as if an invisible warlord held it. The armor in one man, now weakened from the rapidly changing temperatures, shattered as it was struck by the spear as it flew at him, shooting straight through his stomach and out his back. He fell over, letting out a scream of terrified agony that filled Astus with bliss. With a curse, Astus caused the wound to begin to bleed heavier than it should have normally bled.

Soon the man would begin to feel light-headed, and his senses would grow numb. "I...wh...what's ha--" Just as he began to speak a creature with rotted flesh and sinew hanging out of its body leapt from the side of the road, slamming one of its rusty-plate sabatons over the man's head, red droplets splashing onto the other man. After a last yelp of misery, his skull caved in under the weight of the ghoul, and the terrible smirk returned to Astus's face, the other ghoul walking from the undergrowth to stand behind Astus.

The living man looked from Astus to each ghoul, pulling off his helmet to reveal his eyes and stare pleadingly up at Astus. "Please...oh PLEASE! I beg you...don't kill me! Falling to his knees, the man broke down into tears. "Oh please sir, I got a family back in Elwynn an' a fine wife n' three kids. Without me they'd die, they dunno how to work, they...they...plea-hea-hease..." Astus stared down at the man, bemused at his childish pleas and whining.
"I will not kill you." The man stopped sniveling, staring up at Astus with wide, surprised yet somehow happy eyes.
"Oh th..thank you sir! I will not tell a livin' soul about what happened here! Oh thank ye for letting me live." Astus tapped his foot impatiently as he watched the man shower kisses on the bloody ground at Astus's feet. Astus's was quite annoyed, actually. The man seemed to not really understand what was about to happen to him, however Astus delighted in the irony. With a wave of his hand the two ghouls faded into the darkness of the night, and Astus smiled as the man stood.
"Just because I said...I won't kill you...doesn't mean you're leaving here alive." The man shouted in shock, stumbling back only to be blocked by the corpse of his friend, "Whaat?! lied! Ye said you'd let me go!" The man began to raise his sword in his rage, though it was obviously too heavy for him as he couldn't seem to lift it well or swiftly. Astus stepped back and began a soft chant, a soft violet glow enveloping him like fog. The man had to shield his eyes as the shroud of unholy energy became radiant, and like a ravenous animal the cloud devoured the man that Astus killed, sinking into his flesh, causing the body to twitch violently before lying still.

There was no sound, only the near silent breaths of the panicked man and the slow breathing of Astus. "Wh-what di-did you d-do?"
"Like I said...I won't kill you." The corpse slowly but surely pushed itself to two feet, an insane grimace plastered on his face.
"J-john? A-are you o-ok-kay?" The man was quite clearly horrified by the sight, and it seemed as if he didn't believe what he was seeing. As if he thought he was in a dream.
With sickening, mindless laughter, the newly risen corpse hoisted his blade above his head, easily as if some newfound strength entered his limbs, and stabbing it into the throat of the other man. Astus watched with a happy grin on his face as a river of crimson poured from the wound, and as the gurgling of the man ceased, his eyes rolled up in his head. The now three rotting undead stood in a triangle around Astus and the new corpse. With the same joy glinting in his eyes as before, Astus stared down at the corpse, muttering a few words as an unholy light filled the body.

Soon another corpse pushed itself off the ground. It remained silent, a deep gouge in its throat and eyes still rolled back in its skull. The group walked slowly into the shadowed wilderness, leaving a mess of blood and bone in their wake.
Most posts from Eliza will be in the past point of view.


She watched the sails descend on the harbor like hungry wildebeests, the horde sails glinting with red like blood on their fangs, and the unholy mists of the Ebon Blade rising up like steam from the furious seas around the Island Citadel of the Scarlet Crusade. Or at least, the few remaining Crusaders.

The Crusade is dead.

She stepped away from the stones, then walked up to the chapel, running her hands along the stones, bowing her head and sending a quiet prayer. A flicker of scarlet lightning is dead and she chuckled bitterly.

She slipped into the cathedral unnoticed, and she let out a sigh of relief as its strange comfort filled her, despite the many torture devices inside. She began to cry softly, alone in that small corner as she remembers.

The Crusade is dead.

They walked along the roads in Tirisfal, looking oddly at eachother in their new armor. Most were uncomfortable in the new gear, except the paladins there, and while she herself wasn't one, the armor didn't bother her much. The days passed and they trained, though she knew how to fight from the past. She held her lips tight, keeping distant from those around her.

She couldn't burn their fear from her eyes. To this day their terrified screams haunted her every moment. She sent a prayer each night for those poor souls, those tormented dead that she'd helped into being...

Damn the Prince.

I miss...Luka...

Her mind flashed back to that day. That wild man, he tore the Risen's throat out with his teeth. All stared in silence at him, the battle was over, everyone saw the flesh and rot dripping down his maw. The High Templar pulled him aside for a talk, and Eliza followed. She wouldn't let Scibryn kill him. But then, the paladin nodded gravely, telling him that he should die in battle. Soon the plague began to flow through him as they fought, and before it could take over him, Gray incinerated his brain.

The Crusade is dead.

She thought back to why she had been in the Plaguelands in the first place. It had been many long years, wandering, starving and scavenging what she could. She was alone for so long...
Each day was a struggle, finding safety, finding food...

---The Culling of Stratholme---

The Crown-Prince, Uther the Lightbringer, and Jaina Proudmoore stood in front of the assembled paladins. They talked naught to them, but to each other, tensions seemed rather high. Soon they argued, and then Arthas yelled something. "It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me. The rest of you... get out of my sight." Eliza was unsure what was happening, but one of her friends nodded to her as she looked back to him, pushing her forwards and soon following. "Come on, Eliza."
"I...okay. Heh, thanks Kenny." He placed a hand on her back, and blessing her with a prayer of protection they entered the city, she thanked him by kissing him on the cheek. The wedding would be soon.

She raised her mace, as the other paladins had. Then her face was contorted in horror as she saw a paladin release a spear of light into a civilian, killing him. "L-light!" She gasped, watching as the other paladins began to move slowly through the city. She heard a cry ring out.
"Leave no man alive. This entire city must be purged!"

She was pushed forwards by her friend, and she looked upon the face of a small girl before her. The child cried out, "Lady? Whats going on? Mommy and daddy are gone, and I'm lost. Can you help me get home?"

Eliza looked at the child's face, giving her a weak smile. "I'll take you home."

I'm sorry.

The girl turned around, pointing down the street and opening her mouth to speak.

Without a word Eliza brought down her mace on the girl's head.

---The Culling of Stratholme---

Where did they come from? The flames are everywhere! She sprinted through the city, her footsteps bouncing off the cobbled streets as she looked for someone-- anyone alive. Her breath came in shallow gasps as her body trembled with fear. A loud shriek came from behind her and she turned, screaming in horror she send out a blast of Light, zombified flesh smoking and burning away as the corpse fell. She looked at the face before it burned to ashes. It seemed to mouth, 'help me', before it was consumed by holy flames. Eliza bit her lip, forcing herself to turn away. She noticed a group of children hiding from the Scourge in a barrel of grain-- their heads poked out of the top as they watched, their bodies shaking. Eliza walked up to them, and wordlessly smashed her mace over each of them before they could flee, giving them painless deaths.

So sorry...

Now the tears came; she made no sound but the lines of crystalline water ran down her face like rivers of woe. Arthas would pay for this mess...

Eliza moved into a building, finding a woman, dead on the floor with a hole in her head, blood sliding from it as a man, presumably her husband tore at her corpse, devouring her. Eliza shuddered, clubbing him with a mace that glowed dimly, rot and putrefied flesh spraying across the wall.

She closed her eyes to calm herself, but she saw that man eating his wife replay over and over; she vomited as she thought about how he tore off little flakes of skin, shoving them in his mouth and ripping away limbs to swallow whole, before digging into her vital organs themselves, all the wall she screamed until he knocked her to the floor, cracking her head and killing her. Then the girl's scream echoed through her thoughts and she thought of her face, lost and confused and afraid, much like she was now. And just moments ago the children she slew in cold blood.

This is my duty, but...

I' alone.

She left the building, spinning in quick circles to watch the area around her. The lamentations of the walking dead filled her ears, the smoke causing her vision to blur as she felt hot, her breathing coming in shallow rasps due to her terror. Lying softly under the cries of the unliving were the strong thumps of her heartbeat, echoing as each drumbeat sent her deeper into the delusions of dying. She stumbled down the festival lane, yelping as she was clawed at by several undead, spiraling off-balance into the fountain of Festival Square. Water dripped down her clothes and body, masking the tears. dead I...

"It isn't fair!" She let out a scream, listening to it echo through the streets of the city, probably alerting some dead to her and hopefully anyone alive.
"Damn you Arthas! This...this is all your fault!" The ghost of her scream rang through the town for long moments, until the groans of the Scourge rose high their song over it.

You could have stopped it.
"What? Wh-who said that?" Her voice was barely a whisper, she looked around, the forces of the newly dead had surrounded the fountain, staring at her with their hungry, soulless eyes.

You could have stopped it.
"No I did...what I was supposed to do. But why would the Light--?" Another whisper caused her to freeze mid-sentence. The corpses began to shamble forwards as she took in the words, closing her eyes to brace for death.

To punish you.

The risen leapt forwards, and Eliza prayed for a swift death. Nothing came. She looked up, Kenny was there, in front of her, surrounded by a sphere of the Holy Light. "I heard the screams, Eliza. Thank the Light you're okay."
"Kenny; whats happening here!? I've many friends walking with the dead..."
"The Damned, Eliza, have come for vengeance against the Light. Fight with me!" He roared, smashing a corpse with his hammer while shield bashing another, impaling it on the spike of his shield, both glowed with flares of Light. She got to her feet, wincing at a cut in her side as she swung her own mace, watching it whistle through the air and take the head off a ghoul. It stood back up. "The Light, use The Light!" He looked at her as if she was insane and she shrank back behind him, knocking away the dead with her own weapon in defense. "Eliza! What the fel are you doing? Use LIGHT!"

She looked down at her hands, no golden glow coming to her call.
He let out a gasp, turning to stare at her in disbelief. It was his fatal error; a crypt fiend cackled madly behind him, wrapping thick webs around him and rushing forwards with its axes, slashing at him and spraying scarlet everywhere. He roared in anguish, his final words were to Eliza as a flare of energy flew from him.
"Run! As far away from here as you can, don't stop! And I know its cliche, but I--" Eliza let out a keen to rival a banshee's as undead scarabs covered the body, he was unable to even finish his sentence as he was eaten alive. She ran, and found the claws of the undead couldn't touch her. She was surrounded in a shield of Divine Sacrifice...

Instead of saving himself, he gave his life to shield her. She sobbed, no longer crying in terror of the sorrow-filled dead (the shield protected her from them), but in grief for her soon-to-be husband. The Light had failed her. It had nearly cost her her life, it had cost her Kenny's life, and it had cost her the spirit of her people, the hope of her people, and the very life of her people.

The Light is dead.
(This one is just gonna be Eliza, I like splitting it more =/ )