Conquest of the Horde

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A poster found in a number of major Horde cities, along with most neutral, or Goblin towns.

For crimes against the city of Silvermoon, and the murder of Bloodknight Captain Telos Dawnsliver.

Below is a passable sketch of a harsh looking Sin'Dorie, with dark hair and most of his left ear missing. (Possibly to be drawn by myself later.)

A reward is offered for Nate Sunwalker, to be collected upon proof of death, or aprehension at Bloodknight headquarters, Farstrider square Silvermoon.

Ok, here is the plan.
My character Nate, a Belf Paladin is on the run, and it's your job to...well...thats up to you realy. Kill, bring him in. Either way.

Character warning, though mostly for me. I'm happy for you to kill the guy, but he will fight back.

Krian Duskbinder and his associate Blood Knight accepts the character warning. We're comin' for y00.