Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Happy Thanksgiving! (And an Idea!)
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I hope everyone has a great and scrumptious day today, for those who are celebrating! Thank you all for being part of the community!

So, here's an idea I had considered about a week ago. As some folks may be aware, I had implemented a sort of 'permanent' custom displayID a while back. Ideas of making it 'mainstream' so to speak happened even before we went into TrinityCore, but there wasn't really a good way of doing so that I could think of. I know there was a lot of disagreement with the handling of the prestige system in regards to it being too open. Quite a contrast to the previous implementation, I know.

The idea I came up with was to have an application subforum for custom models (which could be something as simple as a warlock's "pet" demon, or something like an ogre or goblin). The purpose of this subforum would be for any interested people to pitch their idea. They'd include such things as the race, the purpose of its existence, how it'd interact with players, if it'd be based in a certain location (maybe), affiliation, etc. To avoid overpopulation of these special characters, they would undoubtedly be rare. Any Grunt would be free to post, but a GM may not reply with a decision unless the time has come to allow another custom character in the world and we feel the player could portray it well, or the presentation is not done well (either the idea of the character or if we feel the player would not be able to handle such a unique role, is not an active member of the community, etc).

If the idea is approved, the player could create the character and I'd set them up with the proper displayID and appropriate faction adjustment.

What are everyone's thoughts?
I think it's a good idea. At least on paper.
Yes. Maybe set a limit on races, and one race per grunt?
I like the idea. I hope Skyfin becomes a character on the server.

Perhaps if it's done a bit differently I can tweak the profile of Kiza and bring her back in a different incarnation, but I haven't given it much thought. I'd be more likely to get my goblin pre-approved for Cataclysm.

So yes, I like the idea.
I love it. This will open all sorts of avenues with RP.
To reiterate, these types of characters would be extremely rare. As in, count-on-one-(or two)-hands rare.
I love it. Could be very interesting.
Well, I could imagine more then the others for Taunka, mainly as the Taunka are literally part of the Horde. Same with High Elfs on the Ally side. But for Tuskarr, maybe not so many.
[Image: murloc-mudkipz.jpg]

Happy Thanksgiving ya'll.

And no worries. I doubt Skyfin will be coming.

BTW: Despite this, I sincerely -doubt- that High Elves will be playable.
I love this idea.
I am in favor of this idea too, gives me the illusion of being able to play something I'd liek too^^
I love the idea.
Would it be used in conjunction with the Prestige system, or separate?
I ask because, some prestiges might call for for a model change, yet a person might also want to play a different race on another character. Although that would conflict with one per person, I suppose.

Edit; Also, Dragon. Dragondragondragondragon.
Probably no dragon. I think he's talking about Humanoid races.
...This mean I can finally submit my app for a Fel Guard? O.o
Aw, just let me be a Dragon for a day! I'll pay you!
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