Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Idle thoughts/plans for slave roleplay
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So I had a few ideas for slave rp lately, and I'm interested in carrying this out on Skipper. It would probably work like the first time where they attack a passenger ship and seize the slaves. However, there would be one big difference: there's no fighting on deck, instead Skipper and Butch would blast the ship out of the waters and pull survivors out of the wreckage, any survivors would instantly become slaves and branded as such.

Such an event, I believe, would not rely on role fighting but trust and roleplay. I don't think rolls could control the sinking of a ship, and if you didn't comply then you would certainly drown at sea. Also, so the event doesn't deter anyone, I would say there'd be no character warnings for death. That's just my own personal rule.

What I want to focus on, however, is how the slave roleplay would work.

You would not be sold to another player after. Or at least, not immediately. This reduces the chance of being freed right after being enslaved.

So what's the alternative? Being used for forced labor for Skipper.

You would be released into the Bay and left to your own devices to find work and make a certain amount of gold per week to give back to Skipper. A collar will be left on you that works by a radio proximity thing. It pretty much shocks you if you approach a certain area, like say the gates to the bay. It's like the invisible fences for dogs. You'll be restricted to the bay so long as you wear the collar.

The collar and a brand would mark you as a slave. If you solicit people to try and remove the collar then bruisers should be suspicious. Also even without the collar if you try to leave the bay and the mark is quite prominent I do believe bruisers would bar your exit, unless if you fooled them into thinking it's just some tattoo, or you're some former slave, or you cover it.

Note though if you manage to escape the bay and get rid of the collar I do not think it makes you automatically free. What I mean to say is that if you go back into Steamwheedle areas and Skipper sees you she can call you out for being a runaway, and she has the documentation to back it up.

This should work for people who OOCly want a lasting slave roleplay. You can also plan ways to escape it and ways to get out, and you'd definitely be a free person in your faction's territory. I just do not think though that you can return to the Bay afterward without risk of being forced back into slavery.

Eventually you might also get a chance to be free by being sold to someone else, if you wanted to leave the roleplay, that is. We won't force you to keep up with roleplay that is boring.

Extra notes:

I could imagine the slave rp would not work well if you want to throw in a very defiant character. Slaves that aren't pulling their weight will most likely be beaten. Slaves that are too troublesome may also be confined in solitude and deprived of food and water. Putting up too much of a struggle may also get you killed.

Also I would not allow a lot of slaves on board for voyage, to prevent the chances of a slave rebellion on deck.

Work would include anything you can do for other people that could get you money, like heavy lifting, growing herbs, working at the blacksmith and so on. The only jobs we don't endorse for the slaves to do are ERPing, this is because ERP is more of a personal thing between players, so that's up to the player and not for me to endorse.

This seem okay?
This doesn't sound like a bad idea. You have pretty much covered all the bases this time, so I think this could work.
All I can really think of, is that it doesn't make for a very intensive experience. Apart from RPing the odd job, and handing your earnings over to Skipper, you are more or less free.

Some kind of confinement or further restriction would probably be best, like deploying some of your crew to round everyone up every now and then for a mass motivational speech, or even to be locked up for the night. Just to remind people that they're slaves, and not regular people who just happen to be dirt poor and unable to leave the Bay.
Perhaps, also if they don't meet the quota, we'd probably hunt them down and beat them. Also anyone who expresses concern about our slaves would probably mean punishment towards said slave, simply because of the assumption that the slave was soliciting others to set them free.
I like it. I'm just wondering about the collar. . .I mean. . . Azerothian technology is far from that level. I mean, they're used in RL, but more like sending a signal to the police, but they use GPS technology. Azeroth doesn't have that. But other than that, I'm interested.
Phase it together with the other Slave RP being planned and executed at the moment already. CotH Community = small!!
Roxas65 Wrote:I like it. I'm just wondering about the collar. . .I mean. . . Azerothian technology is far from that level. I mean, they're used in RL, but more like sending a signal to the police, but they use GPS technology. Azeroth doesn't have that. But other than that, I'm interested.

Radios exist, so we can at least assume that radio signals exist, and if it lost its radio signal, perhaps the shocking would be activated?
Yes, but they work like walkie-talkies with a limited range. The range required from one of those collars would be too much, unless you build some kind of tower nearby, and that'd probably be really, -really- expensive. If keeping the other end of the connection on, say, your boat, I'm afraid your crew wouldn't be able to sail very far or all your slaves would be electrocuted to death.
I think the range could cover Booty Bay without someone leaving it.
I still had my doubts. It's till be pretty expensive, unless you had somebody building these in the crew.
Actually I think the range could easily cover the bay, and the transmitter would likely stay in the house that Skipper crashes at when she bums around there.
If the transmitter is in the bay, yes, it'd cover it. However, if a slave found it, he could potentially destroy it. Just saying.
That's why we wouldn't let them find it. They'd have to break into Skipper's private property to get it.
I think it works. At least I want it too, because I've been looking for long lasting slave RP. My slave either ends up bought and freed, or her slaver is simply killed only a few days in.
What you said reminds me of oblivion and lockpicking a door to get into there...

Anyway, back on topic, What would slave RP actually consist of?
Yeah, even if the master is killed... there'd be a back up. Butch would probably make the collars, so Butch would be next to control the slaves in the chain of command, and I think somewhere in there Tavren would count as a substitute master.
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