Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Plot Execution
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Hello GMs!
I just wanted to throw some ideas at you guys and see what your thoughts are. I've been getting really into Live-Action Roleplaying, and while that isn't WoW RP it is about as heavy as RP can get. The idea I have comes from the way most LARP games run. What it is is that people play NPCs and/or PCs. While I know the GMs do that to a certain extent there aren't really ever any 'crunchies'. The word crunchy means, essentially they are mobs that are scary, sometimes terrifying, but most of the time they are balanced so the players can take care of them. Where it would get interesting is....With WoW...we are able to use any model that is previously in the game to represent a group. For example I had some really fun RP the other day with a couple people in Booty bay, they were talking about a cultish like group that is taking over Duskwood (Church of Shadow). What I am suggesting is that at certain times, we have a certain number of either designated number of "Staff". While staff is what we call them at a LARP we could probably come up with a different name. Staff at a LARP are not all GMs...we Have a GM, multiple Senior Staff, and then General staff. All of these NPCs play multiple characters as well as playing friendly and unfriendly characters (and crunchies). I am not saying "Lets make CoTH like LARP" I am just suggesting a way that we can add another level of realism to the game, other then mindless AI driven by preset macros. If we put a person in control of a mob the RP between the baddies and the PCs would be much more dramatic and realistic. Not to mention you could do PvP style combat, and use skills in the fights.

Anyways...I'd love to talk more with any GMs about it, and I would even volunteer to do it when I can!

Hope you're all well!
really? not a single reply in 3 days? Really it's all good I am just being silly.
I really don't understand what you are trying to write.
It's a wall of text and you get off-topic alot.
Yeah, I can't understand where you're getting at too.

If you want to execute a story line though you don't have to have GMs to help you out with it. You're allowed to run events and stuff.
I believe what he suggests is that we obtain models to puppet for player-run events.

If that is the case, only GMs can do that.

Understand that our RP is more governed by text than what exactly the model is doing. And please, if you're running an event and there's a dragon there (not that we can honestly fight dragons ICly, just an example), use your imagination. We don't really need the model there
I can understand that sentiment, but if it isn't about the model then why use wow at all? What I suggest is allow some people to work for the GMs...for the GMs to say " play....a cultist play a cultist rogue..." and so on. Having this sort of environment will add a new dimension to the game. Even if its only text...
I believe that wouldn't be up to the GMs, but to the admins(Kretol and Grakor). They're the ones who would decide if players should have privileges granted. Also I heard that GMs can't morph other player's models.

If you wanted someone to play a cultist or a mage though they could just dress up their character for it.
With second accounts, you can make a new character and just use the .addrpitem commands. Wouldn't be too hard.
I feel as though I am being misunderstood so I will try and say it again. I am not discussing player freedom to create a character to fill in plot. I am suggesting that the staff be able to have greater numbers in order to execute in-game plot so that players don't have to NPC....Player freedom to chose/create characters and/or execute plot was never in question.
We're already free to make our own story lines and characters within reason. I don't really get what you're getting at.
There are players.....and there are one in peons that work for the GMs....I am suggesting that their should be peons for the GMs.....that are not PCs...
Oh. Well, we aren't really going to give GM powers to non-GMs. You CAN roleplay with a GM though. GMs are roleplayers on the server too :3