Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Scotty`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I'd like to think of myself as polite, considerate, and mature, but who doesn't think of themselves that way? I'm a gamer, but not a hardcore one, by any means. When I played retail I was pretty casual, and that's how I am about most games: I finish them, but I take my time to enjoy the game for what it is, rather than turning it into a competition to see if I discover something before another person. I like a good joke as much as the next guy, probably more so, but understand that there is definitely a time and a place for EVERYTHING, and what you put on the internet is forever. I think I might be taking the "as a player" part of the question too literally....My name is Scott, I come from a family of 5, the youngest of 3 children, and I like to chat it up and have a good time!

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I hail from the nation that is the United States of America and English is my primary language. Also, I am hoping that this section is an exception to the "single sentence answers are bad!" policy, as that was clearly identified as a no-no. :)

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Oh, my dad and older brother played the original Warcraft (Orcs and Humans) which I then picked up and we all played the Warcraft II, and then Tides of Darkness. When Warcraft III came out I was the only one who kept playing, bought the expansion and nearly soiled myself when I heard about the game being turned into an MMORPG, which brings us to today! I didn't pre-order WoW but I did get a copy the day after it was released as a birthday present and have been playing (casually) ever since.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
I will be horribly, brutally honest: I googled "wow private RP server" and CotH was the first link...and the second. Don't get me wrong though, I've heard of CotH before on other servers but had forgotten about it when I stopped playing on private servers for awhile.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Not to be boring or appear lazy in answering this questions but I enjoy just about any kind of RP. Sitting in an inn or tavern with a few other players chatting, our characters becoming increasingly intoxicated, and relaxing can hold some of the most character development you will ever find. On the other hand, setting out on an "epic adventure" with one or two companions that result in nothing more than one of them acquiring a new kitten from the old lady in Elwynn can provide endless entertainment. The only sort of RP that I'm not very crazy about is an enormous, server-wide battle or other sort of event which consists of confrontation. I DO love when servers show the commitment to having a community by organizing these, but, let's be honest, they cause immense lag and the text can simply be overwhelming.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
If we are talking about the standard, Blizzard provided favorite class is probably the mage or the druid. In general, I love spell casters and both of these classes are really...awesome to me. The mage is, if we were being realistic (realistic about WoW, good joke right?) akin to a god. What warrior, no matter how skilled, has any chance against someone who could simply freeze their blood as it runs through the veins? The druid on the other hand, is so versatile different. A being, so in tune with the earth and with nature, that he/she may harness everything around us as a weapon, or as a method of defense. Honestly, the ideas behind both classes simply fascinate me.
As for race...that is a truly difficult question. I love Blood Elves because I just love Elves, in every form of fantasy that I've ever seen or read about them in. They aren't too bad on the eyes either. But then the Tauren are such badasses (pardon the language) and the Trolls...the Trolls can regenerate. I mean...come on! Night Elves fit that fascination with Elves as well and are so amazing in their own right, with such a rich history! Crazy Gnomish inventors are hilarious, and the stout dwarves are, like the Tauren, badasses. A more easily answered question would probably be "What race is your least favorite?" The answer to this is simple: Humans. In the World of Warcraft, I find humans to simply be too boring and commonplace to hold any significance when compared to the other races.

What are your expectations of this server?:
A polite, respectful forum community that helps to create a good role playing environment into which new players may acclimate themselves fairly easily. After all, who wants to join a community if everyone is mean and tells them they suck, right?

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Maturity. (This question doesn't say to explain why, but I'm assuming we're supposed to? Not pointing this out to be a b***h, it's just something I noticed xD If we don't actually need to explain why then I'm just putting my foot in my mouth, sorry!)

Without players acting maturely, mature forms of RP can't be used, which greatly restricts the world and environments we may employ and all but negates the entire purpose of RP: to live in an open world shaped by the imagination where we may pursue any thought or idea. Mature players mean better RP, and happier people.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
Flufferbouf groaned as his father, Jinglevruet forced him to run up and down the stairs of their small home. His short, Gnomish legs carried him swiftly from step to step as Jinglevruet chased behind him with a broom, threatening to strike him upon the head if he moved too slowly. The entire situation was horribly ridiculous, really! Flufferbouf was a Gnome, he was meant to invent things, not train to become a warrior only to have his heart forced into his left foot after being stepped on, accidentally, by a Tauren! Did his father really think he was cut out for the life of a soldier? Flufferbouf, as scrawny as he was, couldn't even move when put into a suit of armor…made of leather. No, what Flufferbouf was born for was the invention of stupefying creations of astoundingly mesmerizing quality! But, here he was, day after day, following a horribly strict and useless training regimen that Jinglevruet had created.

Perhaps, one day, Flufferbouf would just run away. He knew that he lacked the heart, or rather the courage, to stand up to his father and tell him that he wished to become a tinker, but the thought of becoming a warrior was simply too horrible for him to comprehend. As they paused for a break, Flufferbouf found himself wishing that, somehow, a bolt of lightning would simply strike his father and solve the problem for him. Then, as if they gods had heard Flufferbouf's wish, lightning struck Jinglevruet out of a clear sky, causing the aging Gnome to drop dead on the ground. Glancing around, Flufferbouf ignored the dampness in his trousers and scurried off down the road before his mother came outside and found his father to be dead. What had created the lightning? Was Flufferbouf a mage? It didn't matter, nothing could stop him from becoming an inventor now!

Less than three hundred feet away, in a copse of trees beside the road, a much older Flufferbouf rubbed the back of his head as he got to his feet, glancing at the tree that he had been hurled against. Three trees had been knocked down, and there was a large black circle, a scorch mark, within the area of trees. In the center of the circle sat the Time-Number-Changer-O-Tron 3700, an invention of Flufferbouf's own design. He's created it so that he could return to this very day, in order to discover what had caused the bolt of lightning to appear and kill his father. Unfortunately, Flufferbouf's eyes had closed as he struck the tree, at the same moment that the Time-Number-Changer-O-Tron 3700 had been forced to release the surge of energy it had produced when its self-created time field had reset itself, manifesting in a bolt of lightning which had shot out of the trees, toward the Gnome's old home. The poor, stupid yet brilliant Gnome would never put two and two together.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Well, I would LIKE to ask that you accept/approve me to join the CotH community (pretty please? :P) but that seems as though it wouldn't be entirely appropriate. Hopefully, if you don't approve my introduction, it was at least (somewhat) interesting to read.
Welcome welcome!

If you haven't already, please read our rules, policies, FAQs, and take a gander at our Wiki. I look forward to seeing you on the server and be sure to /join chat upon entering, thank you! If you have any questions feel free to ask here or PM me. I'd be more than glad to help.