Conquest of the Horde

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Heyo, So new classes per race came into play in retail recently, and Im wondering, would it be possible for player to play these classes in RP here?
Im talking things like blood elf warriors, or gnomish priests, the kinda ones that feel they should have been there at the start, and not ones that spring out of events in retail such as tauren paladins after the ingame events in thunder bluff.
I talked about Night Elf Paladins (Yes, I know, none in Cata) and Hawk or some other GM said someone once made a special profile for one. I'm guessing the same would apply for all.
Well, Night elf paladins have not really ever existed though, and don't in cataclysm. But certain ones ingame such as human hunter's just came in, and I was wondering that made them viable :)
Well I don't see why a human couldn't be a basic hunter, but maybe the class is based on something more down to earth, like a subcompany of the military,a guild, etc. that doesn't come before cata.
The one I was considering is a gnomish priest. A convert to the light.
A gnomish priest is completely fine, seeing as there are gnome healers in Gnomeregan, besides, I think the Light is open to anybody of any race.
Why not just wait Cataclysm out and roll one then?
Miah Wrote:The one I was considering is a gnomish priest. A convert to the light.

Actually, gnome priests are in reality medics in cata. They're healing role is just portrayed a priest. Even the priest trainers are "Surgeons."
Cause cataclysm wont be here on coth for months most likely, as they need a new system to run it on.
And yeah, tecnically they come up as surgeons, but that's due to them taking a more methodical approach to it, though they still utilise the light :)
Being the lore nerd I am, I have to look into that.
As far as I have read, them being purely medics was a theory or an explanation to what they may already be ingame. Though this does not mean the gnomes are getting actual priests which does make sense.
I thought they started as medics and surgeons and then later learned about the light or whatever faith to be more effective healers.

Also even before Cata I was playing human and gnome hunters/rangers.
There's actually a % of gnomes who have turned to the light, and become priests. This lore's been established way back in vanilla WoW, if I recall. It's not a very sizable ammount though. However, I think the lore may end up with more Gnomes have turned to the light since Deathwing rolled in... or to clean the radiation... but who knows until Blizzard sets the official lore?

By the way, Medics have been around pre-Cata, and used the light. You'd see Medics in Northrend with Draenei using the light heal spells, and smite spells. You'd also see Medics with staves, power words, light heals, etc in Gnomeregan. I think it might be the gnomish clergy names, or a possibly more secular view on the light's magic.
That's for game balance. mostly. I mean, I've seen undead mobs use light spells for God's sake. Same with Forsaken priests. They use the light for convenience. Lorewise, it would be impossible.
This has come up time and again, but lorewise, undead priests can still use the light. It just burns like hell.
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