Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Evil meeting!
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Danalthar Wrote:To Wuvvums: I'd preferably stay away from Neutrality, as she could possibly snitch it, which is wanted to be avoided.

To Lynoa: We're in Duskwood, not Hillsbrad.

I'm just saying my character is neutral. But if you don't want a bunch of slaving pirates then I guess you can bar us out of it.
I will attempt to attend on Volair.

Unless I forget.

Or am otherwise pulled away.

Redis could attend, if he isn't too busy.
I'd come on Chaundre if it wasn't two server time...That is like..two am..And, no.
You know, I might just have Arken and Aulten attend. Haha.
Nexi Wrote:
Danalthar Wrote:To Wuvvums: I'd preferably stay away from Neutrality, as she could possibly snitch it, which is wanted to be avoided.

Yeah, because we don't already have traitors and snitches among our -own- lot. Pfft!

*pouts in a corner*
*hugs Nexi*
I'll come on Layna then.
Random input from a main do-gooder:
You all are nubs.
Someone of mine will turn up... dunno, I'll decide later. At the very least I can stand at the back and watch the beginning of something entertaining.
Well, if you don't have someone to come, then make someone.
Mitsuki Wrote:Reigen shall attend!

I thought you weren't evil. Or is that changing again?
I'll be there if I am on.
Beltharean Wrote:
Mitsuki Wrote:Reigen shall attend!

I thought you weren't evil. Or is that changing again?
She is still technically Chaotic Neutral, though her actions tend to be more to the evil side. She'd be very interested in the destructed of the good guys because they keep trying to kill her.

Danalthar told me to come or s/he'd beat me. QQ
Reminder! Event still up, same time.
All that fel collected in one place.

You all provide a nice beacon. :D
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