Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: I suppose it's time.
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Yes, another absence thread.

Any one who's still around that RPed with me would have noticed me gone ingame.
Mostly through Joselyn...pretty much the only character I played on anymore besides Phina.

Anywho, I'm taking my leave from CotH. Just some things going on that I can no longer be patient with on the server. Also I'm busy with my own RP server now and days so of course I must focus on that. Put that all together with school work and real life and you have a missing Doog. Though like most players, you'll probably see the occasional post.

I guess I also miss my old friends from here. A lot of the older players can vouch for that sucky feeling when you realize you're the only one left from the good 'ole RP gang you were once in. All these youngin's takin' over.

Onwards, onwards, good bye people. Perhaps I will return, but I doubt it. I wish you all the best and enjoy the game.


Big green PS for importance:
I would love if someone PMed me about taking over The Steamwheedle Cartel. You can use my concept buried somewhere in the guild forum or the old one in the wiki being as I was given permission to. I just want it left in good hands, ya know, sentimental nonsense.
I feel you on feeling alone. Not having your old friends. But anyways, I remember RPing with you back in the day, T'was good fun. Goodluck with your life! You will be missed.
So, yes. I have been pretty much gone. But now it is my official leave from ingameness.
I now help run another Private WoW RP server so I have no time to dally in this beautiful mess.

Character name off! (I like closure)
Aubreigh: Priestess in Southshore with her little boy Toby.
Joselyn (Miss Josie): Retired. Lives on a pimp ship off the shores of whereverthefelshewants. Handed the guild off to whoever takes it.
Phina: Whatever Goarn says happened to her.
Saddie: Dead. Stupid broad did something stupid and died in a stupid way. (I hated this character)
Belora: Off being awesome and mute. Probably herp derping about some Magic academy.
Billy: Billy sasses around where ever Billy wants. Billy is eternal. Always.
Everyone else: Dead in some way that got them dead.

Anyway. Feel free to contact me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]][email protected]</a><!-- e --> .
(I'm always open for people who don't mind derping about random servers.)

I wish you all happy RP.
Good luck!
All I can suggest, when helping run a server, is to not participate in such things as what you did on Sprout. You have a dynamic IP, so I imagine you know how easy it is to notice similar IPs that resolve to the same location and that knowledge can help you in the future. However, don't take advantage of it if you wish to set a good example. I would hope that a staff member of any community would be above such petty things, because it can quickly cause them to lose credibility.
Having an opinion is fine, but don't hide behind a 'level 1 alt,' as it were.
Bye CoTH Hown! Riffy loves da Hown as Hown would know. Though, why did you not tell me more of the secret secret things you did with Sprout? I thought you just had it for more characters and the like. But then, I ain't never known ya ta be peity or da like. Evil and perverse but those are other things… Hmmm *thinks fondly of past* Ah well, don't go off and do bad things Hown! Ya need that thar bit o' credibility ya actually managed ta scrap outta da gutter!
Mika is gonna miss Billy! *sobs*