Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Blizzard favors Horde too much. World of HORDECraft
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Hello, fellow posters.

I'm writing this post because I'm annoyed by the unbalanced game they call World of Warcraft - Cataclysm. Looks like Blizzard prefers Horde (Chris Metzen says "my heart lies with the horde"), makes everything so Horde can win new territories and continues damaging Alliance cities and giving them to the Horde.

What the hell is this? World of Warcraft or World of HORDECraft? I enjoy playing both faction, but every time you play Horde quests you have the "For the Horde feeling", how glorious the Horde is and how many victories there will be. When you play Alliance quests you have the feeling you're ganked constantly, you lose all territories and you have the feeling you're going to lost everything.

Let's face the simple fact - Blizzard just loves Horde more than Alliance.

What is the situation in Cataclysm?

1. Human kingdom of Lordaeron. Alliance loses EVERYTHING there. And by saying EVERYTHING I mean exactly that. Southern Lordaeron - Hillsbrad Fields and Southshore are gone in the hands of the Forsaken even thought it was promised that Southshore would be destroyed by the Cataclysm on Blizzcon. The Forsaken spread into Silverpine, as for Plaguelands - the Alliance takes part of Andorhal only to be retaken later by... guess who? The Horde, of course.

2. Ashenvale. Astranaar under siege. Other nelf bases destroyed like Silverwing, half of the forest is deforested. Great move.

3. Human (now Worgen) kingdom of Gilneas. It was not enough for Blizzard to offer Lordaeron in the hands of the Horde, but now Gilneas as a human kingdom doesn't belong to the Alliance. It's a battleground. King Genn Greymane sits next to Varian Wrynn in Stormwind.

4. Human kingdom of Stromgarde. Magnificent! Now prince Galen Trollbane is a Forsaken himself and belongs... to the Horde. Danath Trollbane had to come from Outland to save the kingdom. This didn't happen.

5. Southern Barrens. This is often used as a counter-argument that Alliance takes everything there. However it's wrong. I've heard that the questlines invole restoration of Taurajo and the destroyment of Northwatch hold.

When will Blizzard stop favoring Horde and giving Alliance cities into the hands of the Horde?

I can guess what we'll expect in the next 3-4 years.

1. Gilneas now fully retaken by the Forsaken

2. Kul Tiras introduced as a major Troll capital

3. Lordaeron and Arathi under Horde control without Alliance npcs.

4. Ashenvale burnt down and there's another big orcish city.
Lighten up, it's only a game. Besides, Cataclysm is going to be freakin' AWESOME.
Yes I do agree, but in the long run I do see where there going with this. Alliance seems to be losing and then out of the sky, or whatever makes you feel better, a angle, same as before, comes and the horde gets pushed back. Tis an age old story.
Wuvvums Wrote:Lighten up, it's only a game. Besides, Cataclysm is going to be freakin' AWESOME.

Yes it will be, but he does make a point. In the RP world, alliance will seem weak compared to Horde.
KageAcuma Wrote:
Wuvvums Wrote:Lighten up, it's only a game. Besides, Cataclysm is going to be freakin' AWESOME.

Yes it will be, but he does make a point. In the RP world, alliance will seem weak compared to Horde.

Maybe that was their point. Cataclysm's supposed to make the world seem much more hostile and chaotic from what I heard.

By the way, Alliance gets to gain back part of Gnomeregan so it's good ;)
Even then, you must consider it from a military and logistics stand point.

The Horde is much smaller than the Alliance.
As in, the Humans alone outnumber the entirety of the Horde.
On top of that, the Horde is effectively a pure warrior group. They have the easiest time to mobilize their armies.
Not to mention that the Forsaken has been pretty much winning through the use of plague warfare and the Val'Kyr.

In short, the Alliance was caught with its pants down.

However, once they mobilize, it will be a brutal counter attack.

Cataclysm starts from one point and that is right after Deathwing strikes and the Horde makes their move.
Just wait for the later patches.
KageAcuma Wrote:Yes I do agree, but in the long run I do see where there going with this. Alliance seems to be losing and then out of the sky, or whatever makes you feel better, a angle, same as before, comes and the horde gets pushed back. Tis an age old story.

The Alliance seems to be losing since Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos. With Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne the Alliance victories effectively ended with the finishment of Theramore.

Since Vanilla wow the Alliance is just losing... losing... losing.
Binkleheimer Wrote:In short, the Alliance was caught with its pants down.

That will be fun, no?
If you actually do a run-down, the Alliance really gains 1 town compared to the horde. They lose stuff too. Almost all Alliance towns lost, they gain back. Same with the Horde. A couple of exceptions, being Splinter Tree wish is going to be sieged like a madman, and Thousand Needles town (I forgot its name), which is lost to the Grimtotem, and they gain nothing in compensation for it.
On the flip side it's always interesting to play the underdog, isn't it?
Evey one loves the underdogs.
And besides, it's conquest of the horde no?

And at least the Alliance isn't getting Garrosh as a leader. How embarrassing!
Wuvvums Wrote:Lighten up, it's only a game. Besides, Cataclysm is going to be freakin' AWESOME.

As a starter of this moan moan thread I can tell you why Cataclysm is going to be a freaking awesome. After all I already played some of it as I mentioned in introductions.

We call the world Azeroth but the game itself is caused Warcraft. What we want to see is indeed War. I loved the Horde and I do have a horde characters because Blizzard and Christie Golden invented Thrall. A baby ork, raised by a human who's drunkard he has a great friend - his sister Taretha. Thrall loves her, she tries to make him escape. But the drunkard kills Taretha and Thrall sees her decapitated. Thrall is so hurt, cries out... destroys Durunholde. How can you not love him?

But then The Warcraft turned out not to be much of a Warcraft... Jaina looks like Taretha ouch Thrall likes Jaina and the two leaders play diplomacy... It's getting boring.

And that's why Cataclysm is gonna be so freakin awesome. Read carefully:

Garrosh Hellscream is the new Warchief. OMG what an idiot. I hate him. But Varian Wrynn is such a D-bag. I hate him too. Magni was a great leader, but he's dead. What do we get? Moira Thassarian ... omg I hate her! Sylvanas Windrunner is no longer the nice lady from Warcraft III and the suffer-baby although you may have hoped so while playing Vanilla and WOTLK. No. Sylvanas turns out to be a clever b** and even Garrosh admits that. I don't like Sylvanas anymore either.

But this, my friends, is what World of W-a-r-c-r-a-f-t needs exactly right at this moment.
Sylvanas is my idol.
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