Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Portable Writing
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I was wondering what, if any, styles of portable writing would be available. Pencils would most likely be out of the question, but maybe a sharpened stick of graphite or lead?
Why would pencils be out of the question? They're not really difficult to make, especially given all of the other things the races of Azeroth have had no trouble making.

Personally, I just go with whatever seems reasonable for the race and location. Most of them don't use, say, paper and ink unless they're in a convenient situation for it. One of them even has a mechanical pencil which she packs with her on trips. It's not out of the tech range.
Pretty much what Etmosril said. IRL, pencils started to use wood holders around 1730. I like to think that Azeroth's tech range beats that. . .
Yeah, pencils would be pretty prevalent.
Hell, I'm sure if they have nuclear reactors, they also have self-inking pens.
Now, whether they're ballpoint or fountain pen is another debate that's probably left up to the character in question. ^^