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Thaaats right! Rejoice for 'Daddy' Drarry is putting up shop in Booty Bay!
Come on down and experience the thrill of gamble. Enjoy a steak of our famous meat'ala'buccaneer or our hamburger ze hardshell turtle! Games of many types to keep ya going!

Ask Drarry or any D D C member for a Casino Book which includes all the games offered! ((GHI required)) Come on down and give me your go-... I mean, win some gold!

Drarry is currently recruiting staff for the casino!
Games games games! More games! Got ideas for a game? Let me hear 'em!

So far the list below is the games offered by 'Daddy' Drarry's Casino! Enjoy!
((GHI not required, though it is recommended.))
(( Join channel /DDC! In this channel games will be announced!
Also, to help the dealers keep track of bets, when saying or emoting bets IC, also state them in the /DDC channel! if so requested by the dealer. ))

Welcome to 'Daddy' Drarrys Casino!

Is what you will hear when the Casino will open! Yes, A casino is coming to Booty Bay! So sharpen up on your game skills with this book and get ready to make some serious gold!

Look to your nearest advertisment post about the arranged games in Booty Bay!

((Also, where as cheating is allowed, you have to allow rolling to happen! If you try to fudge the GHI emotes with your own ones.. well, that will not be considered a succesfull scam, EVER!))



This game is very simple. So try to keep up!

The game uses two standard six-sided dice, which are shaken in a bamboo cup or bowl by a dealer. The cup is then overturned onto the floor. Players then place their wagers on whether the sum total of numbers showing on the two dice will be "Cho" (even) or "Han" (odd). The dealer then removes the cup, displaying the dice. The winners collect their money.

Depending on the situation, the dealer will sometimes act as the house, collecting all losing bets(this is called rumble). But more often, the players will bet against each other (this requires an equal number of players betting on odd and even) and the house will collect a set percentage of winning bets(this type of game is known as fiddlestick).

Goblin BlackJack

- This is a relatively slow game! So only reguest it when you have interest and time to play it!

The player draws cards to an initial two card hand with the object of bringing the total hand value as close as possible to 21 without exceeding it, so that the house, which plays after the player, will fail to get up to the player's total, or will lose by exceeding 21.

Simple, eh?

Betting is done after the initial two cards have been given.

Sin'Dorei Red Dog

Everyone places their bets to the table. The dealer then opens two cards on the table. The goal is to have a third card hit between the value displayed between the two cards. Once the two cards are on the table, players can, if they wish to, double their bets. After this, the dealer then deals the third card to the table and settles the game.

-Delaer deals two cards, a 3 and a 8. Difference is then (4, 5, 6, 7) which is 4.
-You can now double your initial bet if you wish.
-A third card is dealt, if it is 4, 5, 6 or 7, you win. If it is something else, you loose.

Gnomeregan Hold'Em!

- This is a slow game! So only reguest it when you have interest and time to play it!

Each player will be dealt two cards. Then is the first round of betting, everyone must match the largest bet made by any player. If you do not meet or overbet the highest bet made before you; you fold.

After betting is over, Three cards are dealt to the table for everyone to see. Another round of betting will happen now.

After bets are made, two more cards will be dealt and a third round of bets are made.

Card-combinations for winning;
Highest sum of numeric value.(Worst)
Pair of same numbers.
Two pairs of same numbers.
Triple of same number.
Any five card count (ie, 7,8,9,10,11)
Four times the same number.(Best)

'Daddy' Drarrys Luck'o'Spin Slotmachine! ((GHI required!!))

Buy tokens from any casino staff, take the machine and start playing!
Tokens cost 25 Silvercoins per Token.

Winning combinations are:

1-1-1 - 100 Gold!
2-2-2 - 60 Gold!
3-3-3 - 50 Gold!
4-4-4 - 40 Gold!
1-2-3 - 15 Gold! (must be in order)
3-2-1 - 15 Gold! (must be in order)
2-1-2 - 10 Gold!
2-3-2 - 10 Gold!

Now you can also play:

Nether Hold'Em!
(RL Hold'Em!)

(RL Blackjack!)

Red Hound!
(RL Red Dog!)

((If you dont know the rules for these RL card games, google 'em. The other card games are simplified versions and are played with numeric cards.))
The 'Daddy' Drarry's Casino is now fully operational! Come on board and experience the Azeroth first floating Casino! Thats right, you heard it, the first ever casino on a boat!!

Come aboard, take a load off, enjoy some ale and have some fun playing! 'Daddy' Drarry welcomes you!
((I feel the need to also add; The boat is full of Casino guards. What does it mean, well, you can fight there of course but it wont be a fair fight if the attack is towards the Casino.))

Also, an official opening festival for the casino will be held soon. Look to this post for more information! Soon™. Drarry has hired a goblin band to play some live music in the Casino! Low and behold and enjoy the smooth tunes of the house band; Goblin Groovie Cats! ((Playing IC music for the casino in Ventrilo music channel, listening to the music is optional!))

((The boat is located in Booty Bay and is docked most of the time. Sometimes it leaves the bay for a quick spin on the sea but transportation back to the dock is offered at all times!
-You can get to the Casino from the portal -> RP Locations -> Northrend Ship))
This guild post is still valid. . .for Drarry lost the first casino, became a beggar.. but now... a new casino is being setup! Muaha. . . MUAHAHAA! Look for the noisiest boat in Booty Bay nad you will find 'Daddy' Drarrys Casino!

OOC portal - RP locations - Northrend ship.