Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: auroraphoenix44`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
I'm a 19 year old female, yes I did say female. Contrary to popular believe girls do play WoW. I've been RPing for the better part of two years straight. I'm before anything else a writer however, even if I still consider myself to be at the beginner level. I love writing stories mostly of the mystical nature as of late, although I enjoy writing about everything from adventure to comedy and everything in between. Some of my other interests include; RPG console and PC games, Alternative Rock (mostly in the music category but I do enjoy just about every type of music style much like everything else), Anime (something that highly influences my writing at times), Japanese culture along with their language and Asian fighting styles, Magic the Gathering among other TGC games, Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Starcraft.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
I was born and raised in the small middle of nowhere place somewhere in the Eastern US. Unfortunately my spelling isn't the best in the world, but I'm working on it. ^_^

How did you get into Warcraft?:
Very very bluntly, my current boyfriend got me into it. I was the girl that wouldn't even touch it because I thought it was silly, mostly to pay so much money to play a game that didn't really give anything back. Then he got me to pay for his grand return onto the mystical planes of digital warfare and I made the mistake of giving the game a try.

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
After searching several days and honestly not understanding what this whole 'private server' deal was, I stumbled upon your server through the grand vast intellect of that little person called....Google. Isn't that how you find anything this days.... I honestly don't even remember what I did before Google, personally I find that slightly sad.

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Personally I enjoy any and every kind of RP, I live for the stories told in those hot summer days around the virtual fire and the cold desolate battles fought in snowy mountain peaks. A romantic as I am however, my favorite part specially as of late is that romantic meeting at the riverside as two friends finally become a lovers. In other words, I like drama, TNT is most has the best motto for me "We know Drama" and I love it!

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
My favorite class and race you ask, that is a tough question. At least under the assumption that you mean for me to choose only one of each. But if I must, I would have to say a Night Elf Druid. Why? Well perhaps it's because it was the very first character that I ever RP'd on WoW, or maybe it's because of it's versatility. But honestly, I believe it is because of the subtle charm they posses, they live and thrive by nature, they can be as calm and gentle as a priest in meditation or as wild and fierce as a warrior in the mids of battle. The can and will be everything all at once, a little like myself perhaps.

What are your expectations of this server?:
Expect something and it will let you down. I have found that out the hard way in many a situation. But I would like for this server to be a keeper, a welcoming place where I can find like minded individuals and have a good time perhaps even a blast with. Perhaps even blast a few trogs just for a laugh, and fall in love with the silent chatter that can be heard all around. I would like for this to truly be the community it seems to be, fun loving and yet filled with TRUE RPers that have just that touch of a writing soul in them, if not be full blown story tellers themselves.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
That would have to be Tolerance and Respect, as I am not one of the crowd as it where and always seem to be just slightly out of the box in thinking and believes. It is truly a relieve to find those two at the top of the rules. Makes me feel slightly more at ease.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
This might be a small problem no matter when it is done. I tend to not write short stories but full blown novels that never seem to have an ending. The solution I could come up with is a scene from one of my stories, so I hope you all enjoy it ^_^

The ground was cold, lifeless. It pressed against the young girl's body like bricks. Perhaps it was. She struggled to her feet, swaying as a new born calf trying to find its bearings. “Where am I…?” Her soft inquiry echoed in the barren lands, but they still held their beauty, and so did she. “Hello…” She looked around, still unsteady, and seemingly blind, but nay, she was not, it was the cover of darkness that impaired her vision. The ground was cold, the night pitch black. She turned and stumbled, tripping over an unseen object. Landing on her back she looked up into what must have been the sky, there was no light there either, not the moon, not a star, not a soul was around.

She screamed a high pitched frightened shriek of a sound, the sky flashed like fire, its entire expanse covered by the red light of a flame. But as whatever was above her burned….her eyes grew wide. It was beautiful, the fire shimmered and skittered about the sky, lighting it in a million color array. It was breath taking; the bright color of fire had dulled down now, into soft greens and blues, purples and pinks. “Amazing…” She breath the word as if some one very dear to her would hear the exclamation and smile. If anyone would have heard they would have. “What is that?” She asked another question into the nothing, but this time… The universe answered her; a soft and ghostly whisper reached her ears. “Aurora…” She turned abruptly taking a fighting stance, at the ready to defend herself, to kill if need be. She looked around; the burning sky gave dim light to her surroundings. No one was in sight, the wind caressed her hair, her skin, and the same whisper came again. “Aurora….” The young girl looked up at the burning horizon, the fire seemed to skitter in one single direction, and she understood. Some how she understood, carefully she walked forth. In the direction the burning sky told her, she under stood now, somehow. The sky fire that guided her… its name…was Aurora….

She walked till she could no longer will her body to move, she had climbed up the side of a cliff, hills and a small mountain, the valleys were teaming with plant life, animals however were scarce. She only saw a single rabbit, all too small to have reached even its first summer scatter when she broke a branch. Her only companion seemed to be Aurora, high up in the sky. What ever the fire was, whatever was controlling it hadn't spoke to her after telling its name. Looking up into the fiery sky she tripped over a root she did not remember seeing there. She fell to the ground and rolled down the hill she had been following, her screaming echoed in the valley. It was only as she finally found perch at the bottom of the hill that she could look up into the sky again, laying on her back her eyes widened. There was still dim light, but Aurora…was gone. Gone as if she had never been there in the first place.

Propping herself up on her elbows, the young girl looked around for the new sources of light. It was a small house, someone was silhouette in the door way, smoke raised from a chimney, the figure looked gravely at her. She spun, wildly in the air as she stood up with a fighters flourish; she even surprised herself with swift movements. Landing on her feet once more in a fighting stance she opened her mouth to ask who was there only to be interrupted by a deep gravely voice, yet it was clearly female. “You're LATE!” The girl wasn't aware she needed to be any where. With surprise she whispered unsure, her voice soft as silk, and as sweet as any girls. “I'm sorry?” The figure turned with a reproaching scuff, several moments later when it didn't hear the girl move from her spot it yelled. “Well! Are you going to come? Or wait out there like a dunce?!” With a start of panic, intrigue and fear at the woman's scolding she moved swiftly into the humble housing. The door slammed behind her, startling her. It was only then she realized, she might have made a mistake by answering the gravely woman's reproach.


She blinked adjusting to the new levels of light, it was bright and flickering. The room was not overly big but cozy none the less. To the right of the door stood a tall wooden piece of furniture its purpose a mystery, there was a small oak table in the middle of the room, and two chairs to match. All to close for comfort lay before a blazing fire, the flames licking at the logs with passion and abandon. It was here that the girls eyes froze, she gazed at the fire as if it was a creature all its own, alluring and mesmerizing. The woman's movements snapping her out of her revere.

The stout hostess moved with a limp in her step, the white and gray curls of her hair graciously rolling down her back. Nothing but that could have ever been described as pretty or graceful about the woman. Turning around she spoke once more in that same tone of voice that marked her disapproval. “So tell me Mizuki. Where in blazes have you been for the past five days… You were to bring the bread to the ale wife's and return here.” Ale wives? What? Where was she… when was she. She had read the term in many a medieval novel. But it was the year… wait…what was the year? The girl couldn't recall. There had been something else in the woman's words… that name… “Mizuki” it meant something but it wasn't her name. It was only now that the girl realized, she had no recollection of who she actually was. When the woman looked back she answered with a start. “I was training.” Wait…yes that's right she had been training, but what for? And where? She remembered her training but the words that defined it did not come. The woman scuffed again asking for a piece of cloth that was on the table, the girl handed it to the all too displeased woman and was instructed to sit. She did starting to get a headache from her half recollections of where, when and who she was; let alone what she was.

A very long time seemed to pass as the woman worked away in the small would be kitchen just to the side of the one room that appeared to be the whole of the humble lodging. The girl sat and at some point the fire once more had caught her gaze, mesmerizing her within its passionate embrace, it was then that she heard that whisper of a windy voice inside the cottage. “Aurora…” But the air had not stirred without previous warning or alarm, the young girl closed her eyes.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
This application process makes it feel like a job interview. Makes it no less welcome, good screening process. Assures new recruits that good RP will have a much better chance than other places where quantity is valued over quality.
Welcome to the server!
Well, I'd say that a vast number of people on CotH are women so it doesn't come off as surprising to us. :)



Thanks ^_^