Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Uthaniel swiftly hides behind a tree.
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Okay. I might as well. I finally decided to give in and make one of these feedback threads. Let's see how this goes.

I have way too many characters, though, but I'll list the more used ones, that people are more probable to know.

Uthaniel, the arrogant Arcanist.
Leonard, the happy go lucky Gnome.
Callahan, the Death Knight that has been having a "bad day" for the past few years.
Urelle, the Druid that makes Uthaniel's arrogance look humble.
Juna, the RAEGFAISE shaman.
Quin, the priest that wants to heal everything that's wounded. And then heal what's not wounded, too.
Putran, the zombie that I should really play more.

And that's that. For now. May the flaming begin?

/e hides.
Callahan: Uber nuber.

Urelle: Actually good at being a racist son of a b***h. Although I think killing your grandson is overkill.

Juna: Bah, Brag's jealous of her innocence.
He won't kill Safksha. That was mostly his player's overreaction.

...He might beat him up, though.
Bah. If it were Shiv, she'd hunt Eva, produce a fake, dead Draenei and let Eva go for being so useful. As long as she stays off her turf.