Conquest of the Horde

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The Living...

...are weak.
...are worthless.
...are wretched.

Can't believe I'm one of them. And this...horribly weak too?

He had lain on the bed all day, thinking angry thoughts to himself. He would never again die. Never. He was sick of it, and evidently his body was as well. He could feel nothing save strange throes from deep within himself. People came and went, strangely. No one of interest till a whisper flicked at his ears from the necklace. He strained his ears, listening and following the instructions. His hand reached out weakly, a small circle now drawn in the soil. Soon the ground fel away into flaming cracks, and in a dramatic burst of fire soon stood a woman of the demonic sorts, baring her fangs in a wicked snarl.
Marianna Bisen.
"Well. Time to g-- what is that.doing here?" She turned to see the Orc lying on the floor. Astus shrugged.
"Just some idiot." The girl laughed tossing a small bomb next to the enervated orc as Astus muttered his agreement. "See, even your own Horde agrees that..." She spewed out a long string of obscenities, offensive to likely all orcs and probably anyone with green skin. She pulled Astus from the bed, and they vanished in an a burst of shadow.


She dropped him in front of a softly glowing emerald jewel. The demonic eyes burned deep within it and her command was harsh, unforgiving. "Feed." Astus looked at it reluctantly, though perhaps a deep lust permeated that reluctance. Its energies were enticing. He recalled the fondness of the days when his people turned to Fel to survive. He remembered its...side-effects. But the demon's commands would be foolish to disobey. He placed both his metallic hands on the side of the crystal, sliding them along its length as he felt himself salivating.
Control yourself, Astus.

Rays of brilliant olive burst from the crystal, flowing along his fingertips and spiraling into his arms. He was hurled quickly into the euphoria of Fel, its effects immediately making him feel better.
He'd pay for it later.
He tried to pull away, that should've been enough for now, right? He could not, his body seemed glued to the glowing relic as he delved deeper and deeper into reveries of energy. Soon he collapsed from the excessive magic flowing into him, and as he slept, he dreamt...

...about killing them all.