Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Warlocks and their loyal companions: Souls.
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Since I made up a plot on the move, I needed to know some things, before I got stuck:
1. Can souls be trapped into regular objects?
2. If yes, can multiple souls be trapped into one object?
3. Can the souls somehow control the object?(Example 1: Trapped into a stuffed animal and "live", like in bleach. Example 2: Being trapped in a playing card and folding the card by itself. I really example 2 doesn't go with that...)
4. Can a warlock somehow communicate with the trapped souls?
5. Can you transfer souls from an object to another? What if it's through spells that first drain the soul from the object and then into another object, not direct transfer?

That's all. For now.
Well, for the ones I'm quite sure on. . .

1) Souls cannot be trapped in regular objects, they do not have the properties needed to hold a soul. The only objects which souls can be trapped in are Soul Gems, Soulstones and items which are enchanted to do such like Vampiric Runblades.

2) No if above is no.

3) No. Just no. It's silly and very illogical. Plus we wouldn't be allowed to have a teddy bear running around screaming like a mad man (Or doing anything at all besides being cute). The only way I view that an object can move on its own accord is through the use of magic which is the Arcane. Souls cannot use the Arcane. Teddy bears do not have muscles. Neither do playing cards.
BountyHunter Wrote:Plus we wouldn't be allowed to have a teddy bear running around screaming like a mad man

Made my day.

Anyways, I need more opinions! The more the merrier ;)
Now, here's something fun. The few things in which a Soul (shard) can be used by a Warlock would be:

a) To power a Soul Gem for resurrection.
b) To create a Fel Healthstone, that would heal the consumer.
c) To create a Fire or Shadow-empowering gem, that would amplify their abilities in that respective field.
d) To hasten(Just make it faster) the summoning of a Fel Companion(Demon).
e) To feed said Fel Companion.

Necromancres on the other hand, get to yank souls of the bodies of the fallen, and smack them into their undead constructs to give them life. That is how they create permanent undead.
1. The object can be almost anything as long at it is prepared correctly. Though nothing beats a soulshard, no?

2. Of course and that again comes down to intent and design. The everyday bowl needs to be enchanted to hold several souls with that intent for it be able to. But again using something so everday to keep souls seems inefficent.

3. No. (Technically yes. Items created with the purpose to be propelled by a soul would most likely be able to move, though this is advanced magic that stretch even beyond the simplest necromancy. Golems are a good example.)

4. Again comes down to container, if you create a soulgem with the intent to allow the holder to in some manner communicate with the soul you can. But we tred on complicated magics once more.

5. I don't see why. If I were to design an item to hold many souls it would most likely not be an object that could be moved, like an obelisk or mausoleum and so on and then soulshards would be a perfect way to transport souls from point of capture to final storage.
Bovel, I love your way of thinking(probably because you say what I want to hear).
I want -you- to answer some other questions:
1. What kind of enchantment/smth needed to hold many souls?
2. If I'd trap souls into a ring, could I be able to communicate with them telephatically, if I'd wish for?
3. If I'd trap souls in anywhere and I wished for it to be able to speak, could it, if I made proper *answer of 1. question here*?
1. If its anything like DND, which I presume it isn't but its the only thing I can think of, it'd need to have magical jar of holding spell of some sort.
2. Hmmm I don't think so, but I'm no expert on that.
3. I'm not sure if you'd be able to speak to trapped souls unless you somehow made them ghosts or something similar, actually. I don't know. D:

(Tried to answer, if thats okie :D)
Kenert Wrote:Bovel, I love your way of thinking(probably because you say what I want to hear).
I want -you- to answer some other questions:
1. What kind of enchantment/smth needed to hold many souls?
2. If I'd trap souls into a ring, could I be able to communicate with them telephatically, if I'd wish for?
3. If I'd trap souls in anywhere and I wished for it to be able to speak, could it, if I made proper *answer of 1. question here*?
1. Aka an item made or enchanted with the purpose to hold a soul or many. The more traits you wish to add to the item the harder it would be to make, the more frail it might be and increases the risk of total failure which can result in injury on your characters part.
2. Yes, but I think this is not just something every warlock know how to do. Rather it has to be enchanters, jewelers and several arcanists/warlocks involved in it's making. Note that this would be something REALLY RARE and most likely will not be able to hold a second soul even after the first one is released. (Perhaps even that is has to be personally designed for each soul.)
3. No, I think this venture into the arts of necromancy or even shamanism/voodoo. You don't need to be more special...
On the topic of souls and ghosts I guess I could ask this question:

Can you put it in a lantern?

Perhaps it's the poes from Zelda or some other game, but for some reason I always thought spirits/ghosts and lanterns made a good combination.

[Image: vmylgg.png]
Uhh, in...theory yeah.
Yay! Floating lanterns that can main or kill you.... Wait that doesn't sound to good....