Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Hell of a Life {RC}
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Marianna floated in the Void. She was without shape or form. She was just a mote of energy, an essence of power swirling within the twisting maelstrom.

Demons pressed against her consciousness. They swirled around her, green balls of energy twisting in the darkness. Fibers of their minds pushed against hers, sinking their hooks into fragments of thought. She heard their whispers, felt their madness pressing upon her like a tide.

This is the madness of the Legion… She clung to her thoughts, drawing them in and enveloping them. Protecting them. She would not let the madness fracture her. Thoughts…Swirling. Mixing together. Blending. No forms…No individuality…The madness of free thought, free expression, building upon itself…

Her thoughts ground to a halt. She felt a pressure upon her then, stronger and more incessant then the scampering hounds and imps. She resisted, trying to reject its entrance. Yet it swept closer and closer. It bore through her defenses and, with a surge, shattered her mind.

For a moment she was one with the Void. Her fractured thoughts were carried greedily across the cosmos, leaping from infernal to infernal. It was the ultimate simpatico. She was stretched across the abyss and, unthinking and unfeeling, she let the Great Darkness envelope her. She floated that way for eternity, soaking in the enormity of the abyss.

“Ten souls.” She felt the voice rumble in her consciousness. And she felt her consciousness. She was whole once more, her mind encapsulated in a single psychokinetic mote. For the eternity she had been stretched out, only two seconds had passed.

I… Her thoughts were sluggish and dulled. She scrambled for a name. For something to attach herself to. She had been stretched so thin…Her history, her body, her very name escaped her.

The voice seethed in her mind, its hollow voice straining her thoughts, “It is not negotiable. The fee for your return to Azeroth shall be ten souls.”

A name rose out of the fog. The voice was that of the Tothrezim's. Memories rose in the name's wake. The beast had fed her blood. Had changed her. Whispered to her. Made her…A freak.

You made me this…

“No.” The word slammed into her mind with finality. She whimpered.

“You killed yourself. Your mind has been clouded with power. Your invincibility is your folly.” She saw her death. Saw the glaive slice into her throat. Felt the agony as her soul and body was dragged back into the Void.

“You are not demon. You are not human.” The words struck her min physically. She felt clumps of reason and thought break away and swirl into the maelstrom. “You are corrupted.”

Corrupted… And with that word memories of her form returned. They were memories of her body, of her broken and twisted form. I am corrupted…

“You are a magnificent cretin. You are a muscle-bound brute. You wish to force your will upon others with might and magic. You rely too much on your own strength and abilities."

I am corrupted…I can't…

“You do not deserve that strength. Thusly, it shall be taken from you. Your new body will be weaker. Softer.”

The mote floated in silence.

"You have work to do. You have been sent to Azeroth for a purpose. Recruit others. Corrupt them. Twist them. You will complete your half of our contract."

“Now return to Azeroth. Ten souls you will send to me by the end of this month. If your debt is not repaid, I shall collect your soul in their steed.” The mind retreated from Marianna. The mental spike withdrew and her wounded mind began to heal, withdrawing into the gaping hole.

I am corrupted. I am unfinished…Imperfect. I am the corruptor…

The green mote of energy faded from the Void. Yet the madness remained.

Temporary Drawbacks
  • In-debt to the Tothrezim
  • Significant physical weakness. Inability to walk or fly.
  • Coma-like state isolated in her home for a week.

Permanent Drawbacks
  • Significant loss of morals, scruples and emotion. What makes her still somewhat ‘human'.
  • Slight decrease in physical strength.
  • Glowing green scar around her throat.
She's back up already?
No, it's just pre-made.
This was the first really awesome RC thread I have read!
Bovel approves.