Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Cult
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Have you ever wished...
...that everyone would just die?

...that everyone would just fade away?

...for power unimaginable?

Power that no fool dare disobey?
Are you...





You need a family; a home. But more importantly:
A taste of true power.

We will give it to you...
But everything has a price.


OOC bit: We require evil cultists that don't mind being given, "a concoction that steals their will and enslaves them" (Ala Cult of the Damned Potion), killing people, doing evil, doing more evil, and doing evil. Did I mention the cultists will be doing evil? Send me a PM and we'll work something out.
That's all for now.
Bump! The cult now has a name, the Circle of Nebis.
Nebis is a god of Shadow and Fel power and he seeks to spread his influence and power. Members will be well cared for, like a big happy family! :).

PM or Post here, either works.
More active members would be appreciated. Most definitely.
Greetings my lovely CotH.

I have been satisfied so far with our results. Except...

I need more fanatics. I require cultists who are culty cultists. Like, overly zealous cultists. Contact Astus in-game if you're interested or shoot me a PM. You can make a character, or you can have your character converted. Thanks in advance! <3
I find few that allow their characters to become culty cultists... and those who make new characters for such usually have other ideas of what they wish to worship from the first place.