Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Oh look, everyones on GM Island
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Look, I feel this really, really needs to be said. I know there is no rule against sitting around on GM Island, but it really gets annoying when I click the refresh button, and 35 out of 50 players listed are on GM Island. an hour later, its still the same amount.

I go there and ask if anyone wants to RP, and maybe I get a few people who do, but most people either don't respond or are busy with something.

Please, if you aren't going to RP at all, don't log on to the server.

Now, if you have a character that's dead, waiting for an event, etc or are just logging on to check on friends, I suppose that's fine, but GM Island is there for you to get things for your characters, have maybe a small OOC break.

Really, if you want to do something other than RP on an RP server but be playing World of Warcraft you should go play retail or a retail-like server until you decide you want to RP.

I know it's a bit hypocritical coming from me, I spend a bit of time as well on GMI but that is because a lot of the server is on GMI and I want to see what people are up to. And find people to RP with.
I may not be the only one but, I like to log onto CotH and then do other things just so I can keep in touch with my friends who might be Online and wait for someone who'd like to RP. That's pretty much what I do when I'm sitting in GMI.

We're all a nice community here on CotH and sometimes it's nice to just get together and chat amongst one another. That's what I believe what it is all about.
I quite enjoy chilling on GMI. I have lead a guild for the past number of months, and it is quite stressful. GMI is enjoyable after I don't know how many people asking me to RP. I don't like being crowded, and I've ended up downright hiding on GMI. I will spend as much time there to de-stress as I need. Other people's RP habits and schedules are not your jurisdiction. People will RP how they see fit. I do not know of one person that ONLY spends time on GMI. Also, holidays. You returned right about that time, and RP is less active then.
I know. I'll admit I enjoy talking to people on GMI but I'd prefer to be RPing.
AM180 Wrote:I know. I'll admit I enjoy talking to people on GMI but I'd prefer to be RPing.

So RP, and let those with different RP habits be.
I can't help but wonder what difference does it make. If the people who are there aren't RPing, wether they're online or not won't change anything - CoTH doesn't have limited slots. Us being online doesn't prevent anyone that wants to log in from doing so.
While an RP server, CoTH is above all a game. Now, I may be corrected if I'm wrong, but the purpose of a game is to have fun - it doesn't matter how, as long as you're having fun and not hurting anyone. And the people in GMI really aren't. We're just sitting there, talking. If we're having fun with the game, indeed, what's the harm?

And I add. We're not robots, and we don't have to want to RP 24/7. If we just want to spend time with our friends, let us.
I can't help but feel that this thread could pretty much be titled "I want OOC drama, throw some my way, bro!"
Roxas65 Wrote:I can't help but feel that this thread could pretty much be titled "I want OOC drama, throw some my way, bro!"

Not what I wanted. Don't even start.
Oh, I'm fairly confident that's not what you wanted, but I'm just saying it'll probably happen.
Hmm, I can see where AM180 is coming from, I often find myself saying, 'Oh look, everyones on GM Island' in whatever guild I'm in at the time. But, eh, can't really control what other people do.
This simply cannot end well.

Here's the thing, guys...we're a community. We do more than just RP here, for better or for worse, and socializing with each other is not a bad thing. If someone wants to spend their time idling or chatting on GMI, then that is their choice, so long as they're not disrupting RP.

As was pointed out, while I do think this thread was made with the best of intentions, it really is just asking for drama. I am therefore locking it.