Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Back after 1 and a half years :) But...?! :O
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Well after a very long break and a year on retail again I've decided to return to CotH :) But, becuase I have had to make a new game account, all my old characters are gone, one of them still has the profile in pending gruntship and I'm not really sure what to do :O I 'm just wondering if I am going to have to start them all over again, or is there some way to get them back. Any help or information would be much appreciated and I look forward to roleplaying with you again :D
Welmcome back!
Well, if he was approved pre-restart, you'd have to resubmit him. With the nifty tag of [Pre-approved] or so.
Ok thanks :)
Well my main question was would I be able to retrieve my actualy characters, or do I need to start again with them.
Once you make your account for the ingame server, you'll need to remake them.
However, we now have this nifty command known as .addrpitem!
Ah OK thanks :) no gold or items for me for a while then >.<
It's only been seven months since you joined. =o

Regardless, welcome back.
Oh wait, it's 2010.

*2011 ;D