Conquest of the Horde

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The time has come for one of us to stand up and start a revolution!

Ahem, jokes aside, and on to the point - Countless players approach Nixxrax, the Salty Sailor's Tavern innkeeper, yelling - "My usual, Nixx!" And he remembers it! Hundreds and hundreds of different people come, drink and Nixxrax remembers every single favorite drink? I say give him a Nobel prize! I don't really have proof in pictures, but all of you must've seen anybody do the thing.

That is all, I step down. The spotlight is yours, CotH!
My people's usuals are often just one thing so they order that.

Sebastien - "Moonberry juice with a straw."
Dakaz'fon - "Water. . ."
Zul'Tul - "Vodka."
Aritony - "Milk."
Asirius - "I have no money! ^.^"
Lol'd at Asirius. :)
I used to do that, thus I'm a little guilty myself. However, I have stopped to do it, not only because of what you said (Super memory goblin...), but also because always drinking the same is boring. :mrgreen: Sure, for the most part Graz drinks good ol' water or ale, but I sometimes like to add things to the mix, especially meals (Mushrooms beefs, steak, pumpkin soup...) even if Graz eats almost always bread alone or to accompany the rest of the meal.
Meh, still better than making him waste memory space in his brain. :|
I'll bet you Nixxrax went into the barkeeping business because of his good memory.

Most of my characters ask for what they want by name. Although.. only Lene and Kenarith go there often enough to want drinks.


Kenarith: Moonberry juice, moonberry juice. And some moonberry juice on the side. /proceeds to chug said juice and run off.
I didn't say everybody. I for one, approach him, tell him exactly what I want, hand the coins and go take a seat with my drink. I just said there's a large number of people relying on Nixxy's memory, that it'd be awesome for a GM to make Nixx hand people wrong drinks. :D
Maybe he has eidetic memory. HOW COULD YOU KNOW!? Seriously, though, this has always bothered me too, but nothing more. It's not like it ruins RP in every way. It just bothers me.
Nixx is a god. He also has enough money that he can pretty much buy more memory for himself. I know some of my chars've passed him gajillions by now.

Elil: Ale. Why do we have no skull-mugs yet?
Nim/Luelin: Rocket fuel. Hey, can I get one of those little umbrellas?
Arlyn: Red wine.
Eris: White wine.
Serenwylde: I brought my own. Buuut... How about some junglevine wine? Can't get it anywhere else.
Sylvandre: She doesn't go there, buuut she is, actually, one of my heaviest drinkers. Thunderbrew Ale's her usual. The Dwarven stuff.

Pshht. Some characters have very speciffic tastes. So, as no two adventurers(Exceptions exist, of course) look alike, they'd most likely remember what they wanted last time.
Flammos, genius as always.
Annabelle: Tea. No one's complained when she drinks tea there. Or red wine. Or whatever the fel Demitrius makes her drink to cheer her up.
Marwaz: Rum. Ogod rum.
Odetta: She's undead. No tastebuds.
Kirabo - Moonberry juice.
Finin - Ale.
Danube - Anything containing alcohol.
Having worked as a Barista in a coffee shop for three years, it's not hard to remember such things after the third time someone's ordered it for a lot of people. Now saying that he would remember everything is naturally absurd, but characters who ICly are actually ordering at the Salty Sailor often would be easily remembered. Assuming all of your characters actually do such a thing might be overwhelming to remember and keep up with, but I find it easily plausible for characters to have such a memorable order assuming they truly are there often enough.

Posted from the iPhones.
Have you ever been to bars before, because you'd be pretty surprised actually. A couple of my friends and co-workers go to this bar after work and if you have money they will take notice to you. And most likely remember your drink ( if you order the same one, and are -somewhat- frequent- ) The Raph's like either ale or rum

with Jidaeo almost exclusively drinking Dalaran Red. What piques my curiosity which I have done frequently as I guess I just didn't take that section of the RP seriously is if they would have this range of drinks. I doubt ( even though I order it ) Nixx would have access to fine wine. Especially when he has like big kegs behind him and it's booty bay. I think most they would have is cheap stuff to mid tier alcohol and nothing top shelf except a select few. There are a lot of bars in this local area that don't sell any type of cognac. I know right?

But! Portals have to make shipping goods somewhat easier, albeit expensive as hell. Remembering 100+ plus could be excessive, but bartenders remember their returning patrons for business. And if goblins are on one thing it's their business.
Eh, I mostly stick with Dalaran Red with a lot of my characters. Though, the more poorer and shadier often go with the average rum or whiskey.
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