Conquest of the Horde

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Honestly, mine has slammed to a halt, which has subsequently ruined the fun in my RP. Help?

Shivala's settled in Duskwood, taking part in a storyline that she barely cares about.
Bragdana's in Shadow Realm, all good with him.
Fal'del has gotten used to being a slave. She's used to Marianna and all, now.
Orutanu is chillin' in Ebon Hold, waiting for crap.
Ligga is in Ironforge. Tavren made him lose hope in evilness.
Grek is in Orgrimmar, waiting to kill someone.

Basically, I want meaningful RP. If anyone wants to start a storyline or something, post me.
I could do somethin' with my orc warrior and Grek?
Does he like Alliance?
Noes. He's sick with all the Hordies bein' buddy buddy with the Alliance.

Same with my Tauren if you prefer a cow.
Tauren'd be better. What idea do you have for a storyline?
Richtnel's in Catacombs, LIKE A BOSS.
Jezzan's in Booty Bay, still blissfully ignorant that epic battles are going on in the area above, despite being in the guild, LIKE A BOSS.
Safksha's STILL training to be a dr00d, LIKE A BOSS.
Gregg is doing some Alliance crap in Duskwood or Elwynn, LIKE A BOSS.
Pops is in Booty Bay as well, drinking himself some beer and firin' off them fireworks, LIKE A BOSS.
And Cau is still semi-uncreated, LIKE A BOSS.

Work with that or don't. My RP is much worse than yours. D:
Unfortunately I've hit this point with a fair number of my characters.

Aulten just sits there in the Catas abusing people in new, interesting ways. Lol.
Garen just does nothing...
Keyalis is waiting for a mission from Krian >:|
Gorose actually does stuff! He kills people for Redis :3
Other assorted characters do slim to none....

I feel your pain, Danalthar.

And I still want. My character fights can only last so long.
If you'd like some interesting char development, it's possible Shivala may somehow meet Keloi while in Duskwood, I'm not entirely sure when, but it's entirely possible.