Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: aiseya`s Introduction
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First and foremost: Tell us about yourself, as a player.:
Hi there! I'm Seya. As to be expected, I haven't made a character yet, so you might need to wait before seeing me in-game. I'm female, 18, and from Canada. I'm attending university to get my Bachelor of Honors in Classics with a minor in English.

I adore roleplaying (or any type of writing) more than any other past-time. For the last four years, I have run various PBPRPGs on proboards and invisionfree sites. I'd like to call myself decent at it, but that really depends on the witness and what kind of roleplaying I'm doing-- while I'll admit to being rusty at WoW RP (I quit retail two years ago and have since only been playing PvP/PvE servers) I'm eager to get back into it and have a blast. :)

I favor Alliance, and am likely to have either a Night Elf or a Human, or possibly even a Gnome. Either way, I plan on testing out a few of these ideas first before posting any definite profiles.

What country do you come from? What is your primary language?
As stated before, I'm from Canada!

I speak fluent English as my primary language, but very little French-- basic conversational. Other than that, I know bits and pieces of German, Japanese, and quite a bit of Ancient Greek (Linear B), as it is a large part of my Honors major at university. ;P The first two are also conversational, and the Greek... well... it can't really be spoken. x)

How did you get into Warcraft?:
I had a spinal surgery that put me out of commission for school and work for a good half year a while back. I had a lot of free time and somehow managed to find my way to WoW.

I've loved it ever since. I've gotten past the 'addiction' stage and now play it casually, with friends mostly, who I also plan to bring to this server if they'd like!

What made you seek our server over others? (or How did you find us?):
I've known for CotH for about as long as I've been playing WoW, as after my retail time ran out, I was eager to start looking for roleplay private servers. I was hesitant originally as the name led me to believe it would be really Horde-favored and I'm typically a true Alliance girl.

Eventually, meaning now, I've given in and am ready to face my fears of being dominated by my enemy-- although after reading up on it a bit more, I don't think it will really be as bad as I've imagined.... right? D:

What kinds of roleplay do you enjoy?:
Varied! I think my favourite memory of WoW roleplay experience is on Wyrmrest Accord server on retail, where my Night Elf hunter was drawn into a group of human pirates (a guild) where she definitely didn't plan to end up. She was definitely an oddball in that group and I'm sorry to say I don't think I got a good hold on her personality because of her surroundings, but it was an exciting and busy RP that kept me thinking.

I've also played a human warlock, young and extremely unexperienced, who managed to find herself a mentor-- one that happened to lead a guild of warlocks and death knights that held a few grudges against the Light. It didn't go very far as my timecard abruptly ran out... but it was fun!

I'm up for anything! I don't run into battle without thinking it over, but I take all my roleplay fairly seriously.

What is your favorite race/class? Why?:
I'm a huuuge fan of Night Elf druids, both in RP and PvP, although it's much difficult to pull it off in the former because I play females... and female druids are supposed to be extremely rare. In which case, I may decide to roll a hunter instead. I strongly believe in the Night Elves connection to nature and love playing ones that place themselves among animals.

Humans are fairly easy to play, especially for someone getting back into it... I could run with a warlock again, or a paladin, or if I'm creative, I could make a non-Mary Sue rogue.

What are your expectations of this server?:
That there will be an active group of roleplayers in both the cities and wilderness! Reasonably, of course.

I'm also hoping that the Horde and Alliance are closely balanced, as being swamped by my enemy is really a terrifying thought.

Out of all of our rules and regulations listed on our server, which appeals to you the most?:
Odd question... I have nothing against any of the rules, but can't say I really have any that stand out more than anything else. I'm thankful for the guidelines on naming, both of the non-allowed as well as suggested examples (i.e., to go look at WoW-Wiki for ideas, etc).

While I do understand the non-relations to NPCs and famous characters, it did put a bit of a damper on a history I had been thinking up for a Night Elf-- nothing too serious, I was just hoping to have been hailing from Winterspring, a member of the clan that trains and looks after the sabers there. I understand completely if this doesn't work. May or may not submit a question about it in my eventual profile.

Lastly, tell us a story! It can be short, it can be long; but most importantly, we want to see your work in action. Go!:
(This was my opening post to the new chapter of my PBPRPG forum, when it opened last year. It may seem extremely weird out of context... I play the NPCs and goddesses in the story. This goddess is Taint, whose Empire was recently destroyed by Purity, the second goddess, her 'rival' of sorts. See for more information... sorry!)

Perhaps one day she would walk the grounds again, but it wasn't going to be anytime soon.

As it was, her dreams led her here. The falling red sun striking faint patterns on the ground through the high coniferous trees, the rocky outcrops from which the stone had been pulled from so many centuries before. Thick, callous walls that were never meant to be broken. Not while she was alive, at least. If only she had been there. Lives would have been saved along with the massive amount of memories that had gone down with the rubble of the Haven of Larks.

In her own memory, where she walked now, those regal stone barriers still towered high above, dotted with the windows where all the sins had been at peace. It was the only place she had ever been able to protect her friends and followers, and the virtues had taken it from her. Destroyed it, and danced on the ashes.

She moved to one of the old crevices in the stone, where a memory came to her: a blonde man sat in it, and she herself right beside. An uneasy flowering blossomed in her chest as she looked at his face. It had been so long... he was looking directly at her, and she was meeting his gaze with two eyes, rather than one. Then a look of pained happiness had flushed over his face and he turned to look at the sky. She had just barely heard him whisper softly, "You look beautiful."

And then he was gone, and tears spilled out from her eyes, shaking her with distinct and heavy sobs. Heartbreak. Where he had gone, she didn't know. Him and many others. It was only recently that she had been informed of a few sins found dead, victims of the post-war terror. All she could do was hope he wasn't one of them.

While she broke down, so did her Empire. The nightmare being relived as piece by piece broke off and fell to the ground, the terrified screams and battle-cries of all those who had been present. Those were memories she had found on the surface of the sins' thoughts as soon as she had woken up the first time. Memories not hers, that she easily could have done without. That, if fate had been kinder, she perhaps could have prevented.

But no, her health had been diminishing and eventually the strain on her body had prevailed. She had been teased of such matters centuries ago by her enemy, when it had been revealed to her that no, she was not normal, something that her sins had feared to tell her. Never before had a human been picked as the vassal for the Goddess. They were too delicate, too easy to break. As it happened, this was true enough-- ever since her span of human life was used up, it had been struggle to continue on without a body that had ever known immortality.

What was done was done, was all the reassurance she could give herself. It would have happened sooner or later, and the Empire would have been exposed no matter what.

She looked on, now seeing the battlefield that she had witnessed in so many minds. It haunted her like a graveyard, another Halodale on her list of biggest mistakes. When she was truly able to move on her own, she would raise it from the ground once again.

Until then, it remained a scar of hatred on the landscape she had once called home.

Is there anything else you would like to add, ask, or otherwise clarify?:
Not really! I'm extremely excited to be able to start a character.

Thank you for the opportunity!
As for your Night Elf history idea, I'm no expert on Night Elves but from what you've told me I don't quite see how that'd be a problem. But we'll see what happens when you make the profile. ;P

Anyway, welcome to the server!