Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Extension of the Holiday Spirit
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For some folks, the holiday season is a time to get grumpy and get through all the shopping you have to do, or dealing with all the grumpy people doing their shopping (grr, retail!). For others, it's a time to (attempt to) be more generous, congenial, and a generally good person!

For a while, I've noticed a lot of folks being generally not pleasant with each other - mostly in forum posts. Yes, this has happened for a while, which has been troubling. Whether it be a lack of tact or not much experience dealing with other folks in a respectful manner (or at least not realizing how your words may be possibly misinterpreted in a negative way), it's irrelevant. What I would like to do is make an appeal for everyone to, for lack of a better term, extend the holiday spirit (or at least the positive aspect of it) for an extra month.

This means, when posting a reply to someone -
  • Stop and think for a moment after composing your post.
  • Consider if your post may be perceived in a negative manner.
  • Try saying your post out loud to yourself - if you had the same thing said in return, would you possibly find it rude? Borderline disrespectful? Be honest!
  • Try going out of your way to compliment someone on a good post (it doesn't have to be a reply to the post, but if it is, please add something to contribute to the thread)

Of course, this doesn't mean that there's no potential to also be a better person than normal on-server; try going out of your way to help someone requesting assistance. While it doesn't have to be in a tangible form, answering questions and even simply saying 'Hello!' and 'Take care!' when someone is logging on and off will usually help someone feel appreciated.

Bear in mind that one thing that I feel sets us apart from many online communities is the general maturity level of most folks here. A higher competency in expressing themselves, using normal language, and generally being rational human beings. I do not wish for any new potential members to see a rare spot of rudeness or lack of respect, and have that first impression taint their view of our server, nor do I wish long-time members gradually float away as a result of some folks being unable to express themselves in a calm, rational and respectful manner.

If anyone has suggestions for your fellow CotH-Folk to assist them in getting along even better, please feel free to pipe up! (Constructively!)

Thank you!
I couldn't have put it better myself, Kretol. This is a problem I myself have noticed these last few weeks, especially in discussion threads. It seems as though people feel they are insulted when people argue their ideas in these threads and feel that they have to fight fire with fire. Please people, just because a person has a different opinion than you or points out a flaw in your ideas does not mean he's insulting the way you RP in any way. Well, unless he literally says "I don't like the way you RP and I do't like you." Please think about that before turning these threads into a simple drama attractor and has to get locked. It pretty much ruins the thread.

It could be that I have been guilty of this in the past myself, but I, and probably a bunch of other people, have been trying hard lately avoid this.
Quote:I couldn't have put it better myself, Kretol. This is a problem I myself have noticed these last few weeks, especially in discussion threads. It seems as though people feel they are insulted when people argue their ideas in these threads and feel that they have to fight fire with fire. Please people, just because a person has a different opinion than you or points out a flaw in your ideas does not mean he's insulting the way you RP in any way. Well, unless he literally says "I don't like the way you RP and I do't like you." Please think about that before turning these threads into a simple drama attractor and has to get locked. It pretty much ruins the thread.

It could be that I have been guilty of this in the past myself, but I, and probably a bunch of other people, have been trying hard lately avoid this.

*Slaps a winter's veil hat on everyone!*
I love you all. I know I don't get on a lot. Life is crazy. But, I hope everyone found some happiness during this holiday season, and continues to do so.

Remember to never take the internet seriously. That's the best to avoid bad everything.

Have some pizza.

Oh god, Krent. Not that. . . .Noo. . . .NOOOOO! THIS IS NOT HOLIDAY SPIRIT! IT"S TORTURE!
*wants pizza*

I approve of this topic. Kretol wins an internet. But please, no more adverts about Xmas D: please!

(Whenever Errata gives me my full internet..)
HAHAAHAHAHAH...Oh the irony, the pure delicious iron- why is everyone so angry, the world is full of hate and war, craft that is.