Conquest of the Horde

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The Darkfall Roll System
For those of you that are not familiar with the Bloodsworn Honorguard or any events held by me, I use a not so conventinal roll system. The system is the way it is because normal roll system, I never got along with for long series of events where I wanted balance and free form combinations to intermix as they always can.

/roll 50

The biggest difference between this system and others was the number it used when rolling, this became the father system for the Frostbrand Marines and their custom take on it. We also know that the system has random speeds, depending on how the rolls turn out, the game can slow down or speed up quickly. It also depends if people are paying attention or not, and if they are thinking their move through.
The use of roll 50 allows a smaller bonus or negative to drastically change a fight, so being hit by certain things suddenly is more deadly, but the bonuses can make your heroes reap the enemy and send the bad guys crying back to their evil lairs.

Your Character
Traditionally in this system all characters have 10 Health, and have no negatives or positives to anything except some minor off-screen percentiles that only I deal with, mostly all based from common sense. A tauren is attempting to sneak, I give the acute hearing enemies a bonus to notice him, compared to the gnome sneaking, who gets a bonus off screen against them.

It is also important to remember what your character can do, pretty much any spell or attack can be used in my system, if you are not sure about it; just ask me or the current DM at the time.

The Confusion and The Computation
Stats, why have stats? Because it allows me to make a game more balanced without having as many characters attempting to dominate play. Why is the system here so complex, well, until you learn how the system works, it is complex. I have heard many times, the system is relatively simple, it just is a very daunting sight to behold. Everything from Traits and Encounter Powers to every last abaility you and the enemy have, this system has many numbers, but remember, it is the -DM's Job to worry about the numbers- it is not your duty, focus more on the game, and what your character would do.

Numbers are a stressful point for players in systems I understand this, so the only "numbers" you should ever worry about are your HP and whatever your respective encounter power or trait may be for the event.

What of the Encounter Powers and Traits
Well each character has a slightly randomized encounter power or trait assigned to them based off class and species and that sort of thing. An encounter power is a utility ability that you may use on your turn or in some cases can be activated outside your turn, I will try to remind players that can use them out of turn when they can, like "Brutalize", which gives your character two attacks at a slight negative and a chance to throw even more attacks onto the enemy. While traits are abilities that change the core stats of your character for the entire event, such as "Battlefield Awareness" this removes the bonuses for enemies flanking or sneak attacking your character.

What else can my character do?
Well equiping your character with certain equipment changes how I effect you and how you effect the enemy. It you are wearing only plated armor on the chest but not on your legs, an attack aimed specifically on your legs does not have the same defense as the rest of your body, logically. Most of all, just think about this, shields and heaier armor help lower damage from critical hits on your character for the most part. While light armor can give other benefits on the situation, like sneaking around and other such tasks.
The most important thing to remember is you may coordinate with allies in the raid chat, if you do not care much for killing blows all the time but you think you and an ally may take an enemy down together. Try tripping the enemy for your ally next turn may strike them easier, sure they may get the kill, but your assistance made it much more possible to do.

The Heroism Expansion
An expansion pack? For a roll system? What the hell?
If you are thinking that, just look ahead at what is to come with the system being buffed up very soon. Most importantly, what benefits arise for you as a player in these events now?
+ More encounter powers and traits.

+ Chances to "recharge" encounter powers more often during the heat of battle.

+ For members of the guilds we host the events out of, specific magic items for use in events that give bonuses and other things.

+An Alliance guild!

+ Health scores for class groups that will break off of the standard 10 Health system, making warriors be able to tank and we will see less mage tanks, Sorry spellcasters, you guys have dominated event after event with your numerous ways of controlling battle.

And much more.

If you have a question for either what already is there or what changes there are to come please just ask below, if it is a question please put it in this format, and I will respond in this thread with a response directly to you.

I have been to events Brutalskars, but what is it that is so special about having a shield as a warrior?

My response, format:

"Player Name"
The thing about shields that makes them your friend as a character in my events is that if you are facing the cause of a critical hit with one, it will shave off much of the damage you could of recieved by the critical hit, facing is important, face your enemy or if you are critically hit, you will feel the pain.
How exactly is magic handled against a Non-magical melee combatant?

Oh, is that a personal favorite? Trolololol.

Oh, how I would love to give your Alliance guild some undead firepower, when will you let poor Redis attend one of your events? He'll be good, promise. Pinky swear. With a cherry on top.
Alright, when you use magic against someone non-magical it is pretty simple, you still cast normally. The only difference is that other spellcasters may attempt counterspells if you fumble your spell roll, or they may attempt to spell steal or mana burn depending on what they are. And other than that, damage or whatever else happens, happens normally against the target of the spell.

That will have to be desided at a later date, but you are a necromancer, I do not believe we like necromancers in the Alliance.