Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Arcanum's New System
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Well, Uthaniel becoming the new headmaster brings about a few changes. First of all, Aula Arcanum will be teaching -everything- as it was once again. That means.

Demonology (Not research or any studies on fel - Such studies are illegal and we will not partake on such activities. We merely research demons to better take down those foes. What our students do with that knowledge, is their choice.)

Second. The students are split into three levels:

Third. The students are split into groups, depending on their area of interest. The coordinator of the respective group oversees their study. At a random day of each week, the coordinator may make an event to teach the students something, or he may not. At the end of each week, the students are allowed to submit an essay (PM it to the Coordinator on the forums) to gain credits. The coordinator rates the essay from One to Four. Warning: If plagiarism is discovered, your essay is canceled. You can use WoW Wiki. Just don't copy straight from it.

Fourth. Every two weeks, the headmaster will make an event with all groups. What he does then, will be mostly a surprise. We'll see how it goes. Sometimes it may not happen.

Fifth. At the end of every month, there will be a test. Students that pass the test move on to the next level. Students that reached a grand total of 10 credits from delivered Essays, can skip this test.

Sixth. Students that reach a grand total of 16 credits from delivered essays recieve a special prize from the headmaster at the end of the month.

(This is basically a direct copy/paste of a conversation between me and Athalbaug. I just changed the "you"s for "Athal". So it the language may be a bit informal and rambly. You were warned.)
Seventh. Detentions. As an IC and OOC warning. If you break the OOC rules three times, you're out. ICly. If you break the school rules three times, you go to detention. At the end of the week - You also lose your credits and the right to submit essays. So you have to take the test. The detention can be anything. From simple to complex. Clean up the school to write me a book on how shadow can control a fool's mind with ease. Depends on the coordenator. Once the duty is done, the student is forgiven. Too many detentions lead to a trip to the Vice-Principal's office. Athal gives them a good talking to as in an actual school - and if the student continues to prove problematic, he's expelled. Expelled students can take a test the next month to return to the school. The test will be basically an OOC/IC chat with me and Athal on the clan's rules and what they can/should improve(Depending wether the expel was for OOC or IC reasons). If they accept it, they're in again. Of course, some people will prove beyond our ability to forgive and our patience, so those cases we'll just leave them expelled.

* Lynoa06 rushes to the Arcanum ^^