Conquest of the Horde

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Alright, this is a short story/epilogue of how Vyndus died, and what happened afterwards. NOTE: This is Vyndus narrarating, his thoughts and actions. The honey filling up is the countdown till he can be rezzed

Hell, my teacher said that even when things go fel wrong, everything is part of a greater, bigger plan then we could ever imagne. Needless to say, I didn't believe him. I never believed him to be truthful, I mean, how's the plan a good one if armies get obliderated fighting each other when the leader could've been taken out by a simple poison in his ale?

Life after death eh? I heard priests and "good people" go to a place when they die. Hell, that sure ain't what happened to me. Let's did I end up like this. Alright, I was at the Bay, heard that a recruit had gone missing. Now I don't know about the others, but I treat all the members like familly...'cept for that new one, what's her name, Doris. Naturally, both of us being assassins for the group, I felt obligated to see what happened. Stumbled upon a crypt in Deadwind Pass. Turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life.

Saw Narrath in there already, he must've heard about it faster than me. Creepy place, tons of necromancers by the looks of it. Saw my target in there though I was told if I was to attempt to murder her in there, I would be roasted in a few seconds. Not wanting to risk my life, I decided to lure her out later. A man came out, he said his name was Astus, no idea if that's his real name or not. He said that he had Trianna inside the room but only one of us could go in. I chose to go in, kind of regret my decision now that I think about it. I'm an assassin, not a brawler. Well anyways, good news is I saw the new recruit in there though she looked pretty roughed up.

Suddenly the leader, Astus mutters something to one of his henchmen. Before I know it, some brute's mountain of a fist is flying at my face. I exchange a few blows with them, however they have a number advantage over me. I tried to break the lock on the door but the voidwalker got in my way. By that time I knew I wouldn't get out of the room alive. Then one of them had directed a blow at my back. I'm pretty sure that I heard it crack. Then the other one, he brought down the axe on my head and well...I died.

Well, I guess you can't really call it death. I woke up in the middle of Silvermoon, seems I'm still alive in a way, this place looks like Azeroth though everything has been inverted. Creepy as fel, no sign of anyone here except for a shade or so though I have no intention of going near them. I've traveled a long way from where I woke up though there is still no trace of anyone.I've seen some of the people I've killed a while back, but that's it.