Conquest of the Horde

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A dragon hawk has carried the following message to you.

My family, my brothers and sisters of the Sin'dorei and my Allies. Now is the time to counter attack those who are hoarding knowledge and keeping truth away from us. The ones who have bombarded my home, and killed my kin are to be brought to justice. Those who have attacked you out of association, who have followed you and caused you strife. The time to come together is upon us my brothers and sisters. They have my son, and wish to discuss matters of these skulls in the Netherstorm. It most likely will be a trap so don't come if you aren't prepared to fight.

I am currently in Nagrand. It will be our rally point before we march together up North. If you do not wish to fight I understand. Here we will train before our mission and see which fighters compliment each other. Strategy is key. With this letter is a map on our location, travel discretely. Death To All Who oppose us.

The letter includes a map of Nagrand, and an "X" on a vacant patch of land, marked as the camp site. Halaa OOCly.
Arylon would notice the dragonhawk fly towards her. It didn't seem exhausted, or anything the sort. It landed right at her feet. She shrugged. Leaving Tamara unattended she picked it up as it began circling around her floating island, and frowned as she read the letter. After a moment of silence she exclaimed in a low, monotoneous voice.

"...Not mine, ya' know?"

She released the dragonhawk, checked idly towards Halaa, and went back to tighten the bindings on the poor Tamara.

The dragonhawk, confused, flew around. On the road down the floating island, a crazed Talah'dorei was wandering. Maureen, indeed, had arrived in Outland with the hopes to reunite with Jidaeo. After all, she had been through Northrend, Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms. She might have some luck in Draenor, at least in the major settlements. She was bewildered, to be sure. The dragonhawk circled around her, and she got the attention. With a rageful kick she death-gripped the bird towards her, ripping the scroll off it. She read it hungerly. Then swayed her head. She looked around. The plains of Nagrand were endless. But she had been right! All along! Her instint had driven her to Halaa, and it exactly where Jidaeo would resurface!

She would not believe it. But, examining the scroll, she noticed dirty handprints on it. As if coal-stained. Jidaeo would never allow himself such misfitting traces. She swayed her head, and looked up to the isles where the bird had come from. She peered inquiringly, and dismissingly continued her journey to Halaa.

"I'm not alone", she muttered inconsiously.