Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Transport RP
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The title sounds strange, but it's a good idea in my head.

The whole point of the RP, is to ge people where they would normally OOCly teleport. You want to go from Booty Bay to the Dark Portal? Sure! But your bill will be huge.

*Evil people are free to ambush, or anyone may carry out their mischief in their own way.

*Another type of RP for CoTH.

*Another type of income, and more IC jobs.

*Perks can be added, such as bodyguards, extra speed for people who are in a rush, caravans, package delivery.


*All people who work, must have a mount that fit 2 people, a mechanohog, or a mammoth for caravaners.

I'll be making a guild for this. Opinions?

(Posted from my iPhone. )