Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: House of Arayes looking for Family, Servents and Apprentices
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Yeah, my computer got ble screen of death, sorry :( Maybe we can continue :)
Tarinar Moonbreaker - bodyguard, yo.

GMT -6, Central North America Time Zone.
Since I'm already sort of involved on two different characters, I might as well throw them down on here.

Terant Sin'reial and Eliya Sunstriker.

GMT -5, Eastern North America.
I'm thinking about making a Sin'Dorei. He was going to be a bit past middle age, a retired Blood Knight. He could act as a bodyguard if the position is not already filled and/or possibly Inara's private tutor or some such thing. Could make for some interesting RP. I just wanted to check if there would be some roleplay readily available before I made him.
Updated, I'd also like to mention that you don't have to be a member of the family to roleplay. This was more for people who wanted to base a character around the house itself so if anyone just wants to join in some RP feel free to just roleplay with us.

Added a new section for people who want to join/RP but haven't had contact with us ICly/OOCly yet.
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