Decided to let the
old FB thread stay buried and sprinkle up a new one.
A note is that my RP time is quite limited and will likely stay so in the near future. So I won't be much surprised if this remains a one-post thread.
In the little available time, RPing
Singe and
Rhydial primarily.
Jake, Thrazin, David, Azial, Telih and
Eradion are hardly ever seen about these days.
I'd like feedback on any and all issues, OOC/IC, on characters/on me. Feel free to even come up with things you might think would be good ways to develop my RP and/or fun challenges, who you'd like to see more of, etc.
I demand Singe-Barl RP.
For feedback, you have been a great friend and RPer since the moment I arrived on CotH. Keep up the good work, bud!
Got a bit of RP recently on Singe. Soo sucks that I don't get more.
So feedback?
I've personally loved RPing with him, he's hilarious!
Updated and bumped! Feed back! The smallest impressions appreciated.
These days: Singe, Daze, Thra'zin, Jak, Dathemar
Well, I always enjoy my RP time with you. Particularly, it's enjoyable to see the difference in interactions between Singe and Xanthe vs. Daze and Elihanara. For feedback, one of the things you do very well is implied danger (in this case, between Daze/Eli). Your use of nonverbal movement is excellent.
I only got to meet Dathemar very briefly, but he is a strange creature and one I look forward to writing with again.

There's been more Singe, and finally some Telih. Feedback?
Singe: <3
I like RPing with Singe, even if he does make Reigen want to punch him in the face sometimes. He's a consistant joker with some rare 'brotherly' moments when he remembers to do the things he promised to do. Singe is like that BFF who isn't afraid to go "Girl, you cray-cray chill out" even if it isn't what his friends want to hear. [TL;DR I want more Singe RP sometime. >:( ]
I suppose I'll take a crack at it.. or at least something minor I noticed.
The characters Singe and Telih, in my eyes, seem to be almost.. a carbon-copy personality put into two different races. They both seem to have that sort of rebellious soldier feel that they'll occasionally press on with a matter despite how many times they're told to stop. As well they both seem to be rampant womanizers...
Of course, I could be wrong. I haven't had that extensive RP with either character yet, so I haven't been really able to notice key differences.
So yeah, my two copper. I hope I helped some, have a good one!
Yep, you're basically right for the most part about the two. There are differences, but the descriptor does indeed fit both. My excuse is basically that it's both of their surface personalities, that they diverge when it comes to bigger questions.
Another note is that they're both apparent womanizers, advertising themselves as such and using the flirtatious side as a sort of defense mechanism for relating to females. How promiscous they truly are may be arguably quite less than advertised.
Last but not least, for casual sessios and first-contacts, it's what I enjoy RPin'.
There are a few characters on CotH that make me want to leave the RP they're in due to the character itself infuriating me OOCly to no end. Perhaps I get worked up too much over it, but regardless, such is the case.
Singe is such a character.
He's cocky, arrogant, and I suppose as Kril says, 'a rebellious soldier'. Nothing bad really happens to him, and he tries to ooze awesome constantly, and treats poor situations with a wry grin and a snide remark. Often he feels more like a human than an elf. Worse still is how accepted this is among other characters, and that there are few IC repercussions for many things he might do. The worst seems to be a slap on the wrist.
So snarky was he once that I bore witness to him leaving Xanthe to die to a scorpid, being a 'snarky badass' while she was being dragged away to be eaten, having a snark contest with some other man in Tanaris. They didn't do anything. You ICly commented on 'why didn't the scorpid just eat her on the spot'? It's because I didn't want to just kill off Xanthe like that OOCly. Even then, the worst he received was a slap on the wrist. (I was playing that scorpid).
He plays the badass too much, to the point where he's very close to becoming a joke.
In my eyes, he is akin to a black cloud floating through the sky, as he immediately changes the tone of any RP he might just enter. It's a black cloud I want to take shelter from if possible, or just get away from if necessary.
Wouldn't have posted this if I wasn't told to.
I'll get to constructively digesting that.
Still open! Talk to me!
Singe, Telih, Jacob, Jak, Viridial
Telih's a cool dude. It's rare someone can play a jerk type effectively, and antagonist types are necessary~
Hit me up about Jacob, Singerius and Adam.