Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: GM Request: Lawless Settlement. Location: The Barrens
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Some time ago I saw a thread about making a lawless city, and as I couldn't find it, I made a new one. I found a spot in Barrens that I thought was neat with a bit of decorating and Maureen came there(Lynia06) and helped me figuring out the decorating. The thread back then was rather neat and I thought to myself: "Alot of custom places have been constructed, but their popularity was very short-lived. Thinking it through, I thought that if players had bigger influence on a RP hotspot, they would maybe like to hang out there more? Not many characters have IC reasons to be in those custom places."

- The 3 kolgars that spawn there should be deleted/move to somewhere else. There are plenty of these anyways, and I recall it being 1 Kolgar Stormer and 2 Kolgar Wranglers. Also, there is a kolgar nearby which could be made neutral, or be deleted. Just to make it possible for lowbies to RP there.
- A long wooden "bar", where a barkeep(most likely a PC) could stand.
- A couple of kegs on a table behind the barkeep.
- A few barstools infront of the bar.
- One-two tables, with a couple of chairs next to them would be nice.
- A wagon/caravan, just to make it seem like people actually brought storage there.
- A few torches, next to the tents.
- Add a couple of tents, that could be rented to "sleep" in. They should be placed in a crescent-shape around the pitfire(just to give a more immersive feeling, that it's actually a small trading settlement.)
- Possibility to go there from the OOC teleporter.

This list is all that Maureen and I could think off, and we figured that compared to other custom places - it wouldn't take hours of decorating.

Cords: 38.3, 44.3. It's on the North-west side of Lushwater Oasis.

I'll gladly help placing all this, and if it's approved, I would like to be there when it's going to be placed. This place is gonna be run by Player characters entirely.

The story about this is rather simple. Mercenaries went there to train, hang out and do mercenary business. Merchants go there so they can sell various stuff to the mercenaries. A bar is established and adventurer's begin to come there to relax. Soon, it's established as a small camp/settlement where you can rent a tent to sleep in, get a drink, chat with people and do whatever you want. There are no specific laws here, we live in anarchy - only your morals control you doings.

All kinds of people would be welcome here, but have fun RP'ing. "Bouncers", controlled by player characters will be there to prevent people to create havoc, and even though bar fights and duels are allowed - keep it to a minimum. Mercenaries don't care much if someone brawls inside a bar, or duel - but don't make it a total bloodsplatter. They don't have any authority, but are merely hired to keep the inn from being a total mess. You could rebel against them, or respect what they are doing - seeing as it would most likely benefit everyone around you.

SERVER RULES STILL APPLY. Remember, even though it's anarchy, people should still have fun RP'ing there. This just means that you can technically assassinate someone, fight someone would inviting them out infront of a city and stuff like that - but it doesn't mean that you should come here to go on a killing spree, just because you have the option to do so. Karma is an unwritten rule here. If you decide to murder someone inside an inn, people will most likely gang up on you and throw you in the oasis.

Seeing as this is run by players, the guards, bartender and the people around you WILL have opinions about you. You spend your time making havoc in the inn, ruin peoples business and kill innocents - the guards will look at ill at you, the bartender will snot in your drink and the people around you wouldn't think twice about insulting you. You get the idea. I believe that what made the other custom locations so barren was that players didn't have influence on most stuff, because it was NPC run. Guards and bartenders -will- remember you if you do stupid stuff and would act accordingly. Nearly all characters would have an IC reason to be here also - it's near an oasis, loads of food, it's not far from Ratchet and even classes like druids and shamans would have a realistic reason to be there.

If this is accepted, please give me a PM or whisper me in-game. I'll most likely be logged on Coriv and I would appreciate if I could help placing the stuff that I requested.
First of all, I don't think the banner can be removed, it being terrain and all. Might be wrong, though. Second of all, I really don't see why anybody should bother. . . Spawning random stuff and creating settlements and all can be really tedious and for what? Like. . ..a Few hours, maybe days of RP and then it gets forgotten? It just feels like unnecessary work to me. Even Mimiron's anchorage see little to no RP and some GM(s) worked pretty hard on that.
There are already tents spawned in the barrens. Can't you use one of those locations and build on from there?
. . .
. . .
. . . If this happens I'm making a Human Noodle Chef.
We have found a location, but there's only 2 tents. A few small tents would be neat, for a more immersive feeling.
Most custom locations are pretty similiar to any other city, and what is so tedious about BB is that it's so lawful. This place is basically a settlement, where people can RP, hang out, without feeling restricted to all sorts of rules.

People have been complaining about how you can't start fights, and this is a more conflict-based RP than tavern RP, which people seem to be so tired of. We aren't restricted to the boundaries of NPCs, but PCs will be the guards.

EDIT: I removed the banner idea, and replaced it with "caravan". So it look like supplies actually have been brought.
Well, if we make it work then PERHAPS more people will come?

Don't just bash "so much work for days of roleplay". YOU make the roleplay. It's also your responsibility.

Now let's all go to the Anchorage.
... Did I see PC and guards next to each other? I believe that that combination is a no-no. Correct me if I'm wrong...
It's more like, PC guarding the place. Bodyguards. It's a camp, not a town! And not affiliated to anywhere.

Nothing like PC guards as in, PC Goblin Brawlers or, PC Alliance Soldiers.
Ah. The wording strikes me as off, is all.
Yes, we're used to "PC guards" as in, well, "PC Orgrimmar Grunts." :>
Did a few edits. Please people, if you are glancing over the thread and haven't posted - please write your opinion. Constructive critism is nice and all, but people supporting other ideas is something that you rarely see around here.
... Ah... perhaps this -should- be added in? If only because of the demand for it?

Also. No official PC guards. You could totally hire someone to guard you. But no player may hold authority over the place.

EDIT: I would like to support this place. But perhaps we should add in a rule that no player (player group) may hold authority over the area. If only because the NPC denizens of the settlement will quickly rise against any notable authority and kick them out.
@Xigo: I was thinking that the bartender hired bodyguards to keep troublemakers calm -inside- the "inn". They aren't really official, but if you begin to do something that they don't like, they will try to make you leave by whatever means.

It's a bit like the guards at clubs. They aren't hired to keep away troublemakers from the streets, but only inside the inn.
Remember, you could most likely bribe the mercenaries. They don't really have any authority and if you don't like the rules, you could make people gang up on them.
@Jerkface (:P): Ah. Right. They'd be like bouncers. Cool!

Understandable. I'm just ultimately worried a group of players will have their toons stroll in and start running the place.
Instead of requesting stuff before actually getting this started, try getting the RP rolling, maybe set up in one of the already made RP camp locations, and then if this actually catches on see if the GMs would like to spruce it up a bit.

I'm not trying to bash your idea, but do realize that there already are a lot of areas customized that pretty much never see any RP at all. Before making the GMs but in the extra work for yet another area that potentially will only see RP for a few days before people go back to their hotspots see that there actually is interest to keep this going. If you guys are still roleplaying this in week or two, maybe people would feel more inclined to give this the extra support that you request now.

On that note, some ideas for where you guys can do this:

Why not go to the Gurubashi Arena? The place is made for fighting, got a bar and everything. It is under goblin protection though, but maybe you could talk with GMs and see if there can't be some kind of compromise for this area, as a test, perhaps, to see of things have changed?

There's an island outside Ratchet, pretty small but it includes a bar, a house with bunkbeds and the like and even a decent fighting area. Maybe this place could be more ideal? I also think it's empty, but my info is pretty old at this point.
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