Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Can Gnomeregan be saved?
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Glad y'agree, cheese. It's just a manner of- will they just drop everything and go after Gnomeregan? And even if that happened, it would be a lot of work to relocate. Even if someone went in, killed everything for them, for them to up and just relocate all the way across the zone and establish a new city (not to mention repairs and sterilization) would be incredibly time-consuming and hard work.

Gnomeregan CAN be saved, in theory- but the server lore doesn't allow for it.
In my mind, I thought that reviving the city would greatly help the Alliance...Right now, Gnomeregan is just a dead zone, a worthless city that has alot of potential, but nothing is being done with it...(Lore-wise) If the Alliance where to focus (some) support on salvaging the city, then then they would have yet another stonghold, and keep Dun Morogh and the surrounding areas secure.

And saving Gnomeregan brings me back another point I had in one of my first replies...this would be the first event we have had in a while...We havent really had any RP events or big attacks in long time, which is why I suggested bringing back the city in the first place.

I dont want to argue, but I want you to understand where im coming from... -_-
I totally understand, don't assume that I don't. It's an acceptable RP and has potential for an RP event.

However, there are just a few problems I see with it.

1. Unless the NPCs are played, it will just be an over-glorified raid. People would be running around and, with minimal roleplay, slaughtering the NPCs with 1-2 shots. Most of the RP would be between the group and how much ass they're kicking.
2. It doesn't make sense lore-wise. At all. Two somewhat fortified cities are not more powerful than one fully fortified city. It's basic strategy, Secrettom. Just because there'd be two cities worth of NPCs to kill doesn't mean it's harder.
--furthermore, Lore-Wise, to re-establish a city would take tons of time. For all that time, half of Ironforge will be away rebuilding a city. They will not be contributing any support in defending the city, in fighting against the Legion/Scourge, and doing very little productive (making bombs, trinkets, gadgets, and the many other things gnomes do).
3. Also on Lore, it doesn't make sense intellectually. As stated in previous posts, there are two currently great threats and one that has just passed that killed tons of people. It would be downright selfish of the Gnomes to right now up and decide they're taking back Gnomeregan. That would take resources from the whole Alliance and the Gnomes themselves, and it has minimal payback- during a time of peace and safety it would be a nice thing to do, but right now it's downright ridiculous.
4. Also strategically, it's a horrible move- and any Alliance strategist would know this. Gnomeregan is all the way in a corner, posing no defense for the Alliance- whereas as it stands- the makeshift Gnome "village" is right at the tram- the main vessel between the two biggest Alliance cities. The sheer and utter importance of this connection cannot even be exaggerated- the Gnomes must stay where they are and focus on defense for the now.

If the Lore changes to say that the Scourge/Legion are defeated, then we can have the lovely Gnomer RP.
..That makes complete sense, now that I think about it.

/facepalm for being foolish
Although you realise your goal isnt gonna happen OOC dont stop trying IC ^_^

And as for NPCs being played...i remember a strange RP i had once where we pretended theramore was overun with scourge and we made our way through to the keep RPing battle in /p ofcourse new enemies as stuff was pretty much as you thought of it, if we did a similar thing with a GM on the side of the NPc while they sluaghter everytihng ingame they RP as well? just a thought.
.....actually, on the topic of Gnomeregan's "Importance", I wouldn't say that it's completely worthless lore wise for the gnomes to be investing so much time into re-taking it. Sure, it's not a defensive position being located all the way in the corner, but you have to look at the idea of population control. Unless the gnomes and dwarves of Ironforge have experienced a sharp decrease in their libido (Not likely since the depressing state of the world would probably increase the consumption of alcohol, which could lead to very many interesting nights...), the population would be growing steadily. Though I can't cite any lore sources on me, I'd imagine that the confines of Ironforge would get VERY over-crowded when you have half the population of Gnomeregan rushing into the city. It's amazing that the dwarves have been able to accommodate them this far, and now that so much time has passed....I'd think the city would be at it's limit.

Then, theres an issue that's grossly over-looked. Gnomeregan holds a major bit of technological wealth within it's city walls. Anyone who's been inside the instance can see that the city is a work of technological wonder. Some of it decades ahead of what you normally see in Azeroth. Combine the fact that the Leper Gnomes have spent so much time in the city due to the server-lore, and one could say that the city has reached highly advanced (Though deranged) levels of technological advancement. With the Scourge and Burning Legion looming over head, having access to the production facilities, advanced technology, and information could help turn the tide of the war for the good guy's favor.

History has already shown that information often holds a critical importance when determining the outcome of warfare. Gnomeregan, a city that breathes with an engineering pulse, would have tons of it.

No reason to call it a "Worthless" endeavor lore-wise.
I never said worthless, I said unpriorital.

Though you also have to understand that a lot of this technology is ruined from the attacks, contaminated by the lepers, or a number of other defects.

The status quo right now may not be comfortable, but right now by server lore it would be ridiculously ridiculous to start the campaign to retake it outside of what's already being done.
I wouldn't think it'd be rediculous or a non-priority. You have to remember that the lore of Thermaplugg is one a paranoid, deranged, domineering tyrant who has an entire population of insane technophiles under his command. While the Leper Gnomes may not pose as huge of a threat to rest of the races of Azeroth in the way that the Legion and Scourge does, they are on the doorstep of Ironforge. In the years that have passed in Server-lore, the Leper Gnomes could be evolving. Crafting new technology, building up a military, crafting a plan of revenge. Sooner or later Thermaplugg -will- strike against Ironforge. It's not something that the Dwarves would just glance at and say " reason to worry about these blokes!".

We're talking about a mechanized army steadily growing at your doorstep under the command of a dictator with insanity.
Compare the following:

Legion: Demons from near-literally hell that are tearing through another 'world' to attack Azeroth, heavily powerful and let by Illidan who is bested only by the Lich King.
Scourge: A giant, massive, army that grows in power with every death hellbent on killing everyone led by one of the most powerful beings ever.
Leper Gnomes: Small green gnomes who are falling apart and using wrenches for weapons.


Remember that we had a world spanning plague about seven years ago, I heard it killed a few people.

Also, don´t you think this discussion has draged out kinda to long? Wasn´t it established that none of the GMs felt inclined to take on something like this?

Talk with them and see but i´m pretty sure Grak was right about that...

You can always bring it up again when you have GM ready to work with it.

Edit: For an example you could talk to me about it, though I have two replies ready for that; A) I ain´t no content GM, sorry. B) I "dislike" gnomes, ´tis true, them and the holy squid cowboys from space always stepped on my nerves.
Sorry guys, I just don't see this as being realistic.
Bolshe Wrote:Compare the following:

Legion: Demons from near-literally hell that are tearing through another 'world' to attack Azeroth, heavily powerful and let by Illidan who is bested only by the Lich King.
Scourge: A giant, massive, army that grows in power with every death hellbent on killing everyone led by one of the most powerful beings ever.
Leper Gnomes: Small green gnomes who are falling apart and using wrenches for weapons.



Leper Gnomes: Small green gnomes who are falling apart and have access to tanks with flame-throwers, tanks mounted with machine guns, plethoras of robots, and the ability to create radiation bombs with a leader insane enough to use them. All of which is a literal 5 minute stroll (In the game, at least) away from Ironforge, where as the Legion and Scourge are still a great distance away.

Yeah. TOTALLY no reason why the dwarves should be worried about this.

Anyway...I'll be dropping this discussion as per request of the GM's. They already made it clear that it won't go, and I agree with them on it. The OOC reasons are too great, and I'm just bickering at this point.

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