Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Does Assassin prestige require Spy or Infiltrator rank?
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Still. He has a total of 60 in ups, and a total of 0 in downs. You need to even it out.

Its also notable that people will have to -accept- your roll bonuses, not just have them forced upon them.
Yeah, but I think doing roll bonusses on an assassin is tough, though. An assassin would most likely be trust either way, but I thought about doing something like:

20+ intiative.
5+ attack
10+ dodge.

Besides, why would you have to even it out? Basically, being a prestige means that your character takes on a more powerful class. A deadshot is ranged-based form of an assassin, where an assassin can be both ranged and melee.
Because, then you just get OP, and that drains the fun out of the other persons RP.

That was my suggestion for if there's ever another prestige system, there has to be an even balance of power.
Having 5+ attack and 10+ defense is not very much, and having a bigger chance to get your turn first aren't that much. Besides, it's alot of effort to go through to get that.
Still. The first one is large, so you balance it out.

Shivala can only have a few long shots, if only 1, before the person gets to cover, and I still balance it out.
The thing I did with Redis, is pretty simple.

Under some situations, Redis simply has a 5+ to all rolls.

Reason being, Necromancy is lethal to the living. It's suppose to hurt. Badly. So, bonus.

Defense bonus is only earned when Redis has erected an Anti-Magic or an Anti-Physical barrier. He can only have one barrier up at a time. If he doesn't have the anti-magic barrier, he suffers normal magic damage. If the physical barrier is down, he suffers a -10 to defense rolls.

His main (And in most cases, only)bonus is minions, which sadly are underused and often judged as super weak.

I have a lot of trouble keeping Redis up to a power of a C2 prestige, without overstepping IC training and progression. To me, he's just like your average warlock in terms of on paper combat, since his undead constructs are often treated weaker than demons (in some cases, its true. Most? Not when there's a good number of undead.)

Soo. We'll see. If Redis ever turns himself undead, he'll keep the normal bonus/set-backs that I have him at. Until then, he can't even defend himself. The main point of having a prestige is not "I can keel you all better, fear mah bonuses", it's the RP aspect of it. From day 1 of Redis, I wanted to be a Necromancer because I thought Necromancers were cool. Not because of the bonuses, just because I thought that controlling undead was da shizz. So, Redis had a good four months of steadily getting ready for direct training under Kimee, and ever since he became a Necromancer, it has been a blast to RP it all.

So, make of it as you will.
Yeah, the reason that I made Coriv an assassin was that it was actually what he was all along, inspired by Assassin's Creed's "im-a-good-guy-but-i-stab-people-while-they-sleep" concept was cool, seeing as it was kind of a nemesis. Actually, he used to be a "bad guy" at first, but bleh.

I just thought: "Hey, why not make him an -actual- assassin? After all, it's what he actually is." Besides, I believe that I'll most likely trust assassinations, seeing as there is no way a character would ever -know- that an actual master assassin slipped something in your coffee. I'd just wish that people would be willing to throw their character away -for a week-, to make some cool RP.

Role-playing an assassin is awesome, seeing as classes such as rogue always has been my favorite. I'd just wish that you could include them in more plots, and not frontal fights.
Jurkey Wrote:I'd just wish that people would be willing to throw their character away -for a week-, to make some cool RP.

Some people will, some people won't, though I thought you were one of the ones complaining the most about other people trying to be player killers.

Also death and resurrection is more than just having a week's break from your character. It may change them in a way that some people wouldn't want. It would really screw over combat-oriented characters for one. It would also mean that any plans that person had for story lines or events with others would have to be put on hold for a week. This is particularly why I avoided deaths on Skipper so I could run the guild.
I complained about how people killed other people, for nothing more than OOC satisfaction. A -real- assassination, with a plot, motive, planning, etc. would be cool, instead of some sort of farmer character running around on Alcaz and killing arch mages with his pitchfork and shovel.
Why do you assume everyone on Alcaz Island was a "farmer?" It's a lawless town, not Westfall. Honestly I'm fine with death if it's logical for the rp. In a place without protection death is pretty logical and I wouldn't put down the person's reasons as less cool than yours because they aren't the assassin prestige. It's pretentious.

This still comes back to the fact that you act like people should throw their characters at you to get killed because it'd make an interesting plot and it wouldn't only disrupt their rp for a week! In that case it should be okay for anyone to kill then from an OOC standpoint, not just the planned story lines kills, but any kills.

What I'm trying to say is that some of the deaths were really odd there, and many people made their "good-guy" character turn into a "lunatic-kill-everything-that-moves-for-ooc-amusement" characters. That was what pissed me off, seeing as it's not really realistic for people to kill other people for making them spill their coffee, etc.

Of course, some characters might be all "kick-the-puppy-to-prove-evilness", but people "bend" their character, to have an excuse to kill others.
I'm just saying that I wouldn't mind making my character die, if it involved actual good RP, plotting and it lead to something good. Heck, he might even offer me a week of RP in the week that my character is dead?

I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but I found your post straight out cocky.
If you want a crazy plot based off an assassination, then set it up oocly with a player long before the actual kill. Best not to.go up to peple, and give them a character warning that youre about to slit his/her throat. Instead, plan things out! You dont need to destroy someone's main for aa bit of plot. Make a throwaway if you have to.

It's kind of what I wanted to say all along, but it's not many people who are up for that. Not to sound arrogant, but I don't believe that a guy like Coriv would spend his time planning and executing an assassination, running a huge risk, for some "minor" character. But yeah, if you are going to assassinate someone's main, you should -always- arrange it OOCly and make a GM oversee it(if it's done in a guarded city). If someone is up for that, I'd gladly help setting it up, IC and OOC plotting, and making up the whole motive - and provide them with RP for the week their character is dead.
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