Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Gone for good or not.
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Pages: 1 2
Guys? This thread is seriously -not- the right place for a discussion on CPS policies.
Agree with Clovis.

The Golden Rule: Politics are like playing a guitar: Fun to do in the privacy of your own home, but never ends well when you take your act into the public.

Focus on the OP.
Omg Pollie I'm gunna cry! :(

I truly hope deep down in my heart that nothing bad happens to you, your family, or anything to that effect, I'm trying to keep together, you know, while writing this. I'll be strong and hope to see you again, it's just that something about your thread is heart touching. I hope and look forward to seeing you on, and not... Dead/Imprisoned/On the Run.

<3 Clynnda/Duerifa/Spiralin, and anyone else you may've known me on.

Once again, I hope for you with my heart. :*)
Pages: 1 2