Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Blacksmith Wanted!
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[This paper can be found in Booty Bay, Ratchet, and the new Lawless City.]
Attention, Blacksmiths!
Have you ever wanted to work with Saronite?
Do you hold off working with Saronite because it drives those who smelt it insane?
Be bothered by these problems no more! Through a combination of magic and science, a way to wield the mystical metal without all the negative side affects has been discovered!
To learn about this once in a lifetime opportunity, please contact Laena Kal'faloh for further information.

[This is, sadly, NOT an opportunity to smelt Saronite without going mad. This is a call for a blacksmith to be drugged, bundled away, and forced to smelt Saronite. If interested, please p/m me or contact me through Astia. A character warning is present at all times. Most likely the character involved will be driven insane.]
((I am impressed))