Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: KillBot [Robot] [Persistant]
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Race of character/NPC: Medium Construct. Arcane Nullifier. Robot.

Name of character/NPC: The Killbot.

Exact modelID requested? Read "Purpose". However, when it is not adapted to a mortal shell for its purposes, it would probably take on the form of a [Medium Construct] [Arcane Nullifier].
And in that case, it would use: (DisplayID = 20718. And I owe BountyHunter -another- digital cookie now. -Sigh- I am going to run out of them one day, and the Light help me when that grim day arrives.)

Duration that character will be used? Persistant.

Purpose for the character/NPC? The Killbot follows the Spybot concept in the quest given by Tyrion in Stormwind. However, instead of spying, the Killbot serves as a spy, an assassin, as a messenger or an executor. This means that there are, by necessity during construction, two main issues that go along with the Killbot; that it is capable of adapting a mortal shell or form that, although incapable of passing close examination, would probably not be too ostensible in the streets of a major city. And secondly, that it is capable of expressing a certain level of speech, no matter how mechanized or inordinate. To facilitate its functions, it would also probably be created following with the Arcane Nullifier as its foundations.

Location the character/NPC will reside: As both a spy and an assassin, perhaps even a guard by necessity, the Killbot goes as it's creator wishes.

Level requested (Must be a normal level; 1-80): 80 to prevent OOC issues. But ultimately, the level matters little for roleplay reasons.

Any special equipment needed: None would be required. IC-ly, it would receive as many items as it's creator deems necessory for its tasks.

The creation of the Killbot is intended as an IC and probably lengthy event that would stretch for days if not weeks, after I have discussed with friends who have the potential to require such an interesting creation. In the agendas of the creation would probably be mini-events that focuses upon the acquiring of reagents, resources, spells and engineering gizmos necessary to create the Killbot. Possibilities are as listed:
1) A source of power? E.G: Arcane Core?
2) Spells infused within it to mimic life, thoughts, speech or skills?
3) Finding engineers of expertise that might be capable and interested in creating it?
4) The necessary engineering reagents?
5) The conceptualization of a possible method in adapting a mortal shell that would pass through most cursory examinations? And its removal when necessary?
6) The actual creation of the Killbot itself?
7) And finally, at the end of it all; it's first trial!

Naturally, this entire idea exists as a [Work in Progress] which I post to ask for more opinions on its possibility and also in an attempt to gauge the interest in such a creation.

A concern; artificial intelligence, sentient robots and the such is something that I remain quite uncertain of putting my stand on but tentatively, it would not occur to Killbot. Tentatively. Unless IC events eventually make it different, a demon was implanted into the robot, or any numbers of possibilities that might occur. I do not know if its even possible, and I do not intend to create this character initially to ever undergo a "sentient awakening". This character might have thoughts or something behind its actions, but they are in all likelihood going to be datas or informations or action-reactions input into the Killbot during its construction by its creator.

And the creator would probably have to maintain it, update it, improve it, as time goes by. All in all, it would be. . .intriguing, to say the least.

Into the crucibles of constructive criticisms then! Alea jecta est!
Display ID = 20718
You might want to get this one locked away before throwing up a Water Elemental, Zar.