Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: A bit of a headache.
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Due to a lot of personal stress in my life to a level that I require medication, I am going off for two months, sorry about all the RP that gets cut off, but it's either I quit and focus on getting better, or I get a heart-attack, blood pressure too high. Anywho, Toodles, you crazy CotHiers.
See you! I hope you get better soon and we see you in tip top shape!
Get well soon, and naturally, do place priority on RL more then a game! Manage your own health and remember that you have all the time to roleplay; but not if your health prevents you from doing so!
It seems that my vacation will take a little longer. In fact, It will be an unlimited period.
That's right, I'm hanging my RP hats for good, or hopefully, I'll come back some time. Real-Life is calling, and I've got a lot on my hands.
As for those who shall miss Demitrius or Alywien, their last dance IC, a short post that will eliminate all IC connections, is in the In Character Forum
Cake tare.