Conquest of the Horde

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For more than could be remembered Seizael always had something in him. He never was good as a paladin, even though his skills with blades did build up... the use of light always was so weak. He eventually felt into dark habits that caused his fall from the light and with time he developed some passion related to Fel magic. For years it was nothing else then a simple thing jumping in his mind but if quickly became something more.

Seizael started studying on the subject but never really put himself into it, but the more he would know, the more the need of knowledge would grow. This passion eventually became a conviction, Seizael just had to learn more.

Seizael had a few flashbacks of his past, actually before he died. He remember a certain crypt in Deadwind Pass. There he passed two weeks in a cage until he was tortured to death. His rebirth only caused him to want more, so he went seeking for his past.

When Seizael entered the wasted land, he found something new, A strange tower that is. He felt curious enough to walk towards it and at the entrance he met with an 'old friend', what a coincidence. Seizael stumbled on the man who killed him, a Sin'Dorei going by the name of Astus. Now of course Seizael wanted answers but there was no time for such a thing, as the two were not alone. The place was preparing for some sort of 'party' organised by a Fel-sworn named Marianna. Marianna didn't take it lightly to see a random man walking by her home so she forced him in. Seizael had no choice but to join the party, though he was extremely fascinated by Marianna's nature so he didn't really oppose himself to the forced offer.

Seizael wasn't allowed to leave the tower on his will so he was forced to stay and serve, again he didn't oppose himself as the tower was filled with the knowledge he was seeking, on his free time when not working he would read books or examinate the many creatures that lingered in the tower.

Marianna eventually grew tired of Seizael being useless, and she didn't want to bother teaching him anything. As much as he listened to every order she gave him, she didn't seem to like him. So she had one of her slaves literally drag Seizael to the crypt to find him some job to do to make himself useful.

Seizael stayed for a few days without being asked to do anything, he had the chance to meet a few strange folks but didn't really get to do anything constructive. After some time, Seizael met with a Fel-sworn in the making named Caidrah, or most likely known as Belzanarr. She told him she would give him what he sought in exchange of his loyalty and he accepted the 'pact' at a high cost.

Seizael served under the wing of Caidrah for a few days but he would never get a piece of what he was so eagerly looking for. He read some books in the library from time to time, but never would get into some experience. After some time, Seizael was getting hysterical about learning and seizing the knowledge he sought. Caidrah couldn't care less about him, to her, he was only some expandable trash.

One day, Seizael went to the tower and faced another Fel-sworn, one named Mistal'Aerix. It was the third one he would meet with, and the last one yet. Compared to the other ones, Mistal was more 'speakable'. He invited Seizael over for a speech and a drink and eventually, Fel became part of the conversation. Seizael spoke of how much it fascinates him and how much he wanted to learn. At some point Mistal saw something into Seizael. Mistal told Seizael that he seemed like a very interesting man, in his mind he actually thought of him as worthy of learning. At some point some people would join up, one in particular was Seizael's master, Caidrah. She noticed how Mistal was interested in Seizael and didn't like it much. Since Mistal was second in command of the magical division and saw Seizael as her own, she really didn't want to lose her slave to the devision of Magic. The two Fel-sworns started arguing about Seizael's faith and it eventually ended up in a bloodless fight, though brutality was part of it. The fight didn't settle a thing, it only made both angrier at each other and for their own good they stopped fighting.

The day after that, the three stumbled on each other and decided to settle down for a drink, this time things weren't as violent as before but the three got into a pretty strong conversation. They eventually set their mind on one point, they would like to see if Seizael was worthy before any training. Cairah wasn't going to give Seizael away too easily, though. She challenged him, if he would take his own two eyes out of his skull she would let him free of her grasp and give him to Mistal, of course the idea sounded like complete nonsence at first to Seizael, but after much consideration he simply grabbed a bottle wine and went in the experiment/torture room upstairs. Seizael placed a white cloth on a table and drank the bottle of wine to calm his senses. He kneeled in front of the table and set his head over the cloth before placing his hands in front of both eyes and after a short while, he pulled them out. His scream echoed through the tower, a scream that would disturb any faintive heart. Once done, he folded the cloth over the eyes and went downstairs. Because of the rage that filled him, he threw the two eyes through the room once he reached the meeting room again. For Caidrah the deal wasn't made yet. What could Seizael do, he was drunk and in deep pain. Caidrah had ordered her mad servant who was actually in a frenzy, possibly caused by the addiction of fel blood. The girl charged on Seizael and began to beat him up, heavily, until Caidrah gave the order to stop again.

Seizael was pulled by Caidrah to the table and she made him sit near Mistal, Seizael though the deal was completed, but Caidrah told him otherwise. Just to play with his mind a bit. Mistal didn't say anything and kept silent, Seizael who couldn't see was confused, he wouldn't speak. Seizael took a piece of cloth from his weak rugged shirt and tied it up around his head to cover his eyes. Even though he was still confused, something else was coming for him.
Caidrah leaned over the table, eying Mistal as she did. She spoke to him in Eredun. Although the language filled his ears, he could not make out what she was saying. Mistal leaned over the table as well and nodded. He replied in the same demonic language and finally smirked. Caidrah nodded in return and moved from the table again.
Again a silence…
The sound of fingers tapping on the table filled Seizael's ears. Mistal leaned back in his seat and observed him before he said. “Now you will have to pledge yourself to me and my teachings, mortal.”
Seizael taps the table to know where he is and stand up kicking the chair away from him. He then focuses on where Mistal's voice came from and turns toward that direction before kneeling before him.
“My loyalty and your teachings, two things that are now bound. I am yours to raise, I am yours to teach, I am under our command. I look upon you in admiration not with my eyes but with my soul. My whole being wishes it could be perfection like you. You have the knowledge I seek and in exchange I pledge myself to you. You are my master.”

Mistal tilts his head a bit and smirks as he watches the man.
“Good, and so you, Seizael shall be my apprentice.”

Seizael now belongs to Mistal and his faith is still to determine.
The Beginning

Shadows… Silence… A space where he felt himself relaxed….
Then there were these cold stones, dark rooms, demons and the apprentice.

The stepped through the portal and stepped back on the higher ground of the tower. Mistal'aerix exhaled as he took in his apprentice, taking in every little detail.

The ugly robes, the metallic looking eyes… Mistal'aerix considered the man before he smirked and folded his arms.“How did you leave this tower?”
“Uhh…” Seizael inclined his head and looked at the ground. He did not response right away.Mistal took a step closer to Seizael staring him down.

Seizael looked up and met Mistal's gaze. He nodded and strengthen his voice as he replied. “Reigen… One of her members – a Druid - captured me… He picked me up, and took me to Reigen's private location.” He straightened as he continued. “She has given me my sight back.”

Mistal reached for his chin and rubbed it as he just nodded at Seizael. “Reigen… Druid… returning your vision?” He grinned and nodded. “Very well... You've returned and that is all that matters now.”

Once Mistal got downstairs and seated himself in his usual chair he tapped his finger on the table, waiting for Seizael to join him. It did not take long for Seizael to get down. He walked all the way over to the seat opposite of Mistal's and took his seat. Mistal slightly shook his head and waved with his right hand at a chair to his side. “Sit here.”
Seizael nodded and moved over to the chair Mistal was referring to. He took his seat and inclined his head.

“Mortal... I want you to get yourself better gear...Potions...” He looked up at Seizael with a disgust expression. “And by better gear, I mean attire that suits a man like yourself –much- better.” He looked back at the table considering what he would Seizael order to take with him. “Food, drink, the things you mortals need to survive...” He finally said, keeping his eyes on the table plate.

“Why master? Where will be heading?” He asked curiously as he looked up at the Fel-sworn. “Your curiosity shall become your dead one day...Seizael.” Mistal replied with a bitter edge to his voice. “Wherever we are heading does not matter, as long as you make sure you get yourself the tools I want you to get.” Mistal waved a hand, a small shadow portal appeared and two voidwalker hands appeared. They placed a green book on the table, covered in dark runes with demonic characters to them. The hands disappeared again and Mistal shove the book to Seizael. “This book shall help you with your studies while we're exploring. Yes, we are an excursion.” He smirked at Seizael. He nodded pleased when Seizael opened the book and took a look through it.

“Good, now get ready and acquire the required tools... And join me at the Dark portal in the Blasted lands...” Mistal said after a short while. He stood up and made his way downstairs stepping into the dark environment of Deadwind pass and slowly disappeared in the smog that surrounded the tower.

Seizael just sat in the seat for a moment before standing up himself as well. He smiled to himself as he wondered what it was that Mistal had planned for him. Although his master could be cruel, and tough on him, he knows that his master is capable of teaching him the arts of Fel magic. And that would be all that mattered, he thought to himself as he started to gather his equipment as well as the tools the master ordered him to get...

The next day Seizael walked over the tough mountains which surrounded the Dark portal, he looked with awe at the Portal as he stepped closer. He looked around and his eyes paused on Mistal. He nodded at the Fel-sworn and looked at the portal. “I have arrived master.” Mistal smirked and turned on his heels to face the Dark portal. “Good make sure to stay close as we move through the portal.” Seizael nodded at Mistal and followed him into the Green barrier, separating the two different worlds.

Again, darkness... Silence a place where the Fel-sworn felt himself good. And then there were the gigantic stairs known in Outland as The stair of Destiny.
Mistal turned to face the portal and his apprentice who slowly stepped out through the barrier. Mistal smirked and waved around the dry, dead and orange to red coloured lands. “Welcome to my world, mortal...”

To be continued...
First and second stage: Destruction and Affliction

Seizael and Mistal'Aerix ventured into the corrupted Outlands to extend Seizael's training. They precisely went to Netherstorm, there shadow lingers generously. Mistal'aerix thought it was a good way to teach Seizael into Warlockism to pass into the art he used to master himself: Shadow magic. Mistal'Aerix has already taught him the basics of arcane and then he was about to that the real thing.

For the first spell, Mistal went for the spell Shadowbolt. To make it easier for Seizael to absorb the energy, Mistal created a globe of Shadow around them, surrounding them. Since Mistal had already taught him how to absorb arcane, Seizael knew what to do. Seizael raised his both hands and started to absorbed some energy. The Fel energy started to flow inside of him until he had enough. Mistal sensed the energy flow trough Seizael successfully, he smirked and muttered to himself darkly "Excellent..." before walking to Seizael's side.

Mistal started to whisper in Eredun "Follow my movements, Seizael..." He extended his hands in front of him and waited for Seizael to do so. Mistal started to draw a sigil and watched as Seizael did so too. Once they both drew the sigil, Mistal focused the power in the sigil and created a 'perfect' shadowbolt and threw it out of the energy globe. He then looked to Seizael as he finished his own sigil. Seizael focused on the sigil, shadow started to swirl slowly around the sigil before the sigil ignited into a shadowbolt. Seizael grinned in satisfaction before casting the bolt away. The bolt flew out of aim in every directions before hitting the ground weakly. Seizael grinned in satisfaction, being surprised of casting an actual shadowbolt for the first time in his life, though it was not the first time he tried. Mistal was not so happy about it since Seizael failed to make it strong enough. "Fool ! You are weak, and you dare waste my time... you better practice really hard if you want me to proceed on your training !". Seizael glanced toward Mistal, his expression went from enthusiastic to neutral and dark. He nodded to Mistal. "Of course, my master."

Seizael trained hardly for weeks, fortifying his mastering of pure arcane manipulation and mainly Fel. Seizael didn't know he was going for Shadow, but Mistal had it all planed. Mistal came to Seizael at the same cliff where they started his training. Seizal's clothes we're all torn off and his body was all dirty and sweaty. He was training against a rock when Mistal came to him and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Enough, Seizael. It's time to move on". Seizael nodded firmly and listened to Mistal carefully. Mistal whispered. "Come near me and imitate my movements, let's draw another sigil ". Seizael nodded and walked to Mistal's side. When Mistal started drawing a sigil, Seizael did so. Mistal whispered in Eredun "Concentrate". Seizael repeated Mistal's words and started to draw a sigil with Mistal.

Mistal glanced at Seizael with a grin and whispered in Eredun "Curse of agony !".

Shortly after, Seizael frowned slightly. He started to feel his own chest pounding and his hands started to shake. It was not long before Seizael felt on the ground in a convulsion of pain. Mistal started to walk around Seizael while shouting. "You weakling ! You are nothing else then a mortal that likes to waste my time, how dare you even claim yourself worthy of my teachings. You're nothing else then a coward that cannot let go of the pass."

Seizael glared toward Mistal with dark anger in his mechanical eyes. He yelled. "I am no coward !" before throwing a shadowbolt at him. Mistal dodged the shadowbolt easily and frowned upon Seizael in dissapointment and said "Fool ! Do not dare attack me !". He then kicked Seizael's chest and threw him on the ground. "Get back up if you have any guts !"

Seizael shaked his head firmly and stood up. He took a deep breath while extending his hands toward Mistal. He meditated for a moment before whispering to himself. "Concentrate... concentrate... concentrate...". He then drew a sigil and whispered. "Curse...of...agony". The sigil vanished. Mistal coughed briefly but managed to resist any damage he could have suffered from the spell. "Pathetic, though you've made some progress. Now get some rest and practice what you've learned so far. We will be getting your first demon soon, my apprentice."