Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: Traveler's Rest Corporation Location?
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Now, I understand that this may require a Home Request but, as I don't have the money for one, I will simply post this in GM Requests. :D
Vitaly Zaitsev is about to open his new business, known as <Traveler's Rest Corporation>. Basically it serves as a rest stop for weary traveler's, groups, or guild's who may require services. I am hoping it could be based at the Ring of Trials in Nagrand, seeing as most Arena battles are either in the wild, or in Earthshaker Arena, as well as Gurubashi Arena.
This request is mostly for a few tents and campfires to be set up at the Ring, as well as a possible larger tent for Vitaly and his crew.
Also, due to certain guild's or smaller groups having events occasionally, they may pay Vitaly for him to bring a few tents or provide food, water, and shelter in various locations.
If this doesn't belong here, or someone may have an idea for me, please don't hesitate to say so. :D
There are a few tents already set up at most arenas. If their are mobs, just say they aren't there IC.
Danalthar Wrote:There are a few tents already set up at most arenas. If their are mobs, just say they aren't there IC.
Thanks Danalthar!