Conquest of the Horde

Full Version: X'keza / Nerubian / Temporary: Ziggurat Stuff
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* Race of character/NPC - Nerubian
* Name of character/NPC - Full name, X'keza, in-game name, Xkeza
* Exact modelID requested - 11178
* Duration that character will be used - not known exactly yet. I do not plan for this to be a permanent character.
* Purpose for the character/NPC - She'll mostly work with Astus and perhaps help assist in any way she can with Rosencrat's story line concerning the ziggurat. The most plausible ending is that the character eventually gets turned into a guard NPC and I delete it from my slot bank.
* Location the character/NPC will reside - Deadwind pass. She'll stay inside Marianna's tower. She may leave if called out for an event.
* Level requested - 1
* Any special equipment needed - None